The game is unplayable for axis for over 3 weeks now. Axis players are worse than AI

Axis are fine, everything is good /s

It’s time to squad up for Germany.

What’s the discord server?

official Enlisted discord - Search (

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Ok I don’t know where all the axis players appear from when I’m not playing axis, it’s ridiculous

basically this game is:
the enemy: :smile:
you: :slightly_frowning_face:


Last round today basically hit the uninstall bingo:

  • Matchmaker almost exclusively sent me to Germany gulag for whole fucking day
  • enemy team has a premade stack (4), or maybe even two (2+3)
  • enemy stacks are BR3 downtiered into basically BR1
  • enemy stacks drop paras and rush all the popular rally point spots instantly
  • german team is literally nonexistent

What’s the point of this game anymore?


If you wanna play Germany at this point you have to go with a stack otherwise you’re just a masochist if you’re playing by yourself

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…probably should find another leisure activity

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“I’m a pacifist, sir!”



A better breakdown than mine. You can add Soviets to that mix, though; they are mixed (I mostly seem to encounter more bot-like players there than I would like).

Germans just really went down the toilet. Feel’s bad for those “mains” or whatever. If anyone wants to “attempt” Axis, I’m free to call out.

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Two things

  1. Trusting the official story on what are and aren’t bots, from devs who are trying to actively hide the fact from players. For instance stating that anything with a console icon can’t be a bot etc.

  2. It’s a terribly grindy game, economy is awful, people will resort to running bots to sit in matches for them 24/7 and do almost nothing because at the end of the day they might be up 20-40k silver, and a good chunk of resources just from rudementary bot program that relies on AI to get a few kills and maybe program to suicide at points etc.

I absolutely refuse to believe anyone is as bad as I’m seeing, and it’s not just germans it’s on every side.


huh, you might be right? Never thought of it that way
i guess that would make sense with some people who just…sit there doing…not much? In a very incomprehensible way

seeing it more and more too. Whole squads just stationary at the main spawn

my warriorru spirituru got ptsd-uru
from the fucking 105 spam I get to “enjoy” as “play all” prison labour
might be getting burned out lol

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Bots can’t dc from a match so it had to have been a player because of that and because a bot would have at least one kill due to the nature of their programming getting at least 1 kill before eating shit though when you actually look at who is and who isn’t a player, it gets kind of despresing :pensive:

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Not going to work, grab the Minuteman III that I have stored in my basement.

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I prefer to borrow one of your painkillers, that was in a box :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have 100% winrate for germans on second BR last days. And I don’t even try to win, just was chilling. Maybe it’s too depend from prime time and server.