Testing the "Tigers of Burma” update

can’t disagree there…

but at the same time, they are not the only one…

( aka being paras, but their para cosmetics do not apply onto others campaign )


Well, majority of their outfit options are still based around Tunisia even in other campaigns.



you only get the default green tunic, or the (planetree) pea dot camouflage as buyable options…

all the rest is bright tan options for the coldest winter too :joy: :skull:

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Anyhow: My first impression of the new map. It looks and plays fantastic.

Did find this misplaced asset tho. You should be able to find the exact location, using the embedded code in the photos.

Also, you should improve the outer layers of the map. Looks very bad to say the least. This non-playable zone usually looks good in the other campaigns.


It looks like they slapped the setting of Tunisa and called it a day💀

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Can someone attach screenshots here please?

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Why did the last vehicle upgrade make stats worse?


Don’t question it. That’s how Stalin works. Just accept it.

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How can you still not get it… lost in space are we huh?

T26E1-1 is not a designation, it denoutes the Nr 1 vehicle of T26E1 Type. the -1 is not included in designation.
And by the time it had the T15E1 gun mounted it’s no longer a T26E1 it’s an E4.

If you wanna be exact of that Vehicle it should be T26E4 Prototype, it’s one of threee variants which became the E4 Standard.

Fcking hell if you still don’t get it now, you should already, but you hopeless

Nope, that’s outdated false information.

Even WT had that tank named like that in the past. But some time ago they changed it to the correct designation. (Note that the link still has E4)

E4 wouldn’t have the field mod plates from Panther.

real, I always remove the scope from my FG 42 because its unusable at such zoom (the gun is too inaccurate for long range shooting)

What’s the point of using sniper and not regular rifleman with FG-42 II then?

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im broke as hell cant afford 27 piece of 3* FG 42 II

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I would like to be able to choose the specialists for this team.

I made an offer, but it was in Russian. I’m not sure I can translate it into English correctly

Добавить специалистов в прем мотоциклистов. И предложение по улучшению мотоциклетных отрядов - Предложения - Enlisted

good point

What are you on about? It’s a T26E4 Prototype sent to ETO where it had a field mod with some scrap metal welded onto it.
Anything else you read is BS

It’s really not that complicated when you actually look into it and think about it using logic.

Thanks for report.
This case will be fixed when the update will arrive.


Mate, you should do a proper research. Seriously.

Testing is completed. Thank you for your feedback. The topic is closed.