Testing the "Rzhev" update

Damage is very reasonable as it is.
Im actually concerned about the hidden stats of these guns, please read this if you are interested.

T20 is just better in every way than FG42 II and AVT-40 is slightly weaker but only has 15 rounds, I think it would be fair to buff these two to be a bit more competitive with the new SF rifles.

There need some redo with animations on it, so all we can do is wait for now.

You are entitled to your opinion, but consider checking on the actual stats of these weapons that are not showed in game.

I already played the dev server
T20 is in line with the GWO T20E
Which is fine
FG42 2 has been aids since its introduction (Though honestly its just a badge right up there with event name icons for a red flag on a player)
Doubly so now that it can face yanks
And the AVT is absolutely fine other than 15rnd mags

well, i kinda assumed the g41(w) animations could be tweaked for it but okay…

From Preliminary patchnotes for the “Rzhev” update:

Will or could Gold Order Vehicles also gain this bonus? At current, there isnt much beyond cosmetic reasons or using a vehicle early (which doesn’t do much if you have everything unlocked) to get many of them if they are not available for multiple squads (if they are available for multiple squads they at least allow for the vehicle to be used in multiple squads simultaneously). Having a 20% XP boost though would be a very welcome change, especially if it compounded with the gold soldier … I would get a +40% boost by having a gold vehicle and a gold soldier to a vehicle :smiley:

Remember it only applies to the squad upgrade.

Don’t affect XP/Silver.

So only viable when you leveling up a new squad etc.

Reposting question here:

I have a question about the Premium Flak 37

With it came the introduction of HE-TF rounds. (Timed Fuse Rounds)

But currently, as there is no control to set range manually in enlisted, it is just a glorified HE round.

Will a ranging feature be added later? Or perhaps Proximity fuse route just for a gimmick?

Or will it remain for all intesive purposes, a normal HE round.

The AA functionality of the vehicle was a pretty appealing notion. at least the potential was :slight_smile:

Im a bit suprised that this vehicle would be released without that mechanic. Wouldnt it have been better for this vehicle to come out when its a thing?


I mean that too should change … it should just be an XP boost that impacts silver.


I tested the “new” Stalingrad Panzer IV G and the flag in game looks very low quality.


And sometimes the flag is all black. Not a new issue with these flags.



(Camo missing on the Type 94 Isuzu
While all the other factions truck still have their
Fix it)


Its original camo isn’t good, it just makes it stand out on all pacific maps. It looks so different from everything else.

This new look is much more better, and now this APC can blend with environment much more easily.

So I would personally prefer keeping it without camo.


Yeah. I see what you mean. But for some reason I also prefer this new look. Kind of reminds me of the Japanese trucks from CoD WaW. Good old times.

Or, it will be good if we can have the choice between apc with camo or apc without camo :thinking:

I would like to put camo on my german event Apc, but it prefear the jap without camo

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They finally change that wow.

With the bipods being fixed, and now this, I feel like suicide diving or a lobby chat might be next on the list.


I hate to break it to ya but currently it take 10 HE-TF to take down 1 balloon and it have no flak cloud when firing into the sky

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This guy is asking the real questions right here

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:eyes: :memo:


Sometimes, that flag has a cube in the middle!

giphy (12)

Flag flagging a post about flags? :upside_down_face: