Temporarily available: Unique premium squads for the USSR and USA

just put the kbwzs 38 back on sale with the sks31, it hasnt been sold for over a year


I like the new US squad weapon, but way to pricey for a 5 member squad, especially if I am going to get seal clubbed paying the Allies anyway. I think I’ve given more then enough money to the makers of Enlisted only to wind up being frustrated with the lack of competitive games. :wink: NTM that a gun is only good if you have a match you have a chance on using it. :roll_eyes:

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Yes man I am almost done with my US research only 2 research left and I will have everything researched but not unlocked God have to somehow find silver to buy like 10 or so tanks I am mostly now playing Tank warfare Tunisia 1943 its a very awesome Strategy game


I kinda agree but as the same time not
I want 0 new content, i want to have all the bug and problem fixed before that.


:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :timer_clock: :memo: :memo: :eyes:


All i can say here is soon.

Axis have a lot content plus they had a lot in past few events. But i’ll take note on that one and forward it.

I suggest to report every bug with customization to our community bug report website.

Need a lot of time to rework stuff for that and as far know it’s a very long road to do.

If you talking about separation of italy and british to other techtrees, it’s not gonna happen, they will stay in USA and Germant tech tree.


Hey james can you ask devs to make a event like this for Axis next time give Japanese a Plane maybe with rockets they have bunch from WT and give a Tank (Maybe Porsche Tiger) to Germans or if you want the tank to be different maybe give Panther with Mk108 30 cm cannon as coax MG(was planned to be made )(It would be like Turm III from WT )


“Soon” isn’t good enough.

This is not directed at you or other CMs/Helpers. This is at DF, who refuse to give players any sort of transparency. Bugs have been reported for months and sometimes years and they still don’t get fixed. Custom servers are still broken if each side has 10 players. There is no lobby chat. DF does not communicate what priorities they are working on nor do they provide any sort of playerbase incentives for new updates. Statements in the forums alone is not sufficient either - not everyone checks it.

We need consistent blog posts or something. Teasers for upcoming items. Priority lists for what bugs will be planned to patch. Actual timelines to know when to expect things (premium squad slots have been announced since February???)

We want actual consistent transparency from DF.


Any updates on when the jadgpanther will return?


5 round SKS, how very Canadian! :joy:


Awesome thankyou for bringing some squads back. Hoping to get the 95th Tank Brigade for the USSR as well one day :grin:



SKS-31 is goated with the sauce ignore the haters


As we all have seen plenty of times by now, the more detailed plans are announced in advance, the harder the backslash when invariably those plans get changed/postponed.

With DF (and Gaijin in general) it appears to be either “don’t know”, or “know what (perhaps) but no clue about when”.


which one is that?

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Lower the BR too :eyes:


M4A2(76)W for soviets



That sounds like a project management issue more than anything else.

The artificial breather of selling old squads for gold?

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