Temporarily available: Unique premium squads for the USSR and USA

Awesome thankyou for bringing some squads back. Hoping to get the 95th Tank Brigade for the USSR as well one day :grin:



SKS-31 is goated with the sauce ignore the haters


As we all have seen plenty of times by now, the more detailed plans are announced in advance, the harder the backslash when invariably those plans get changed/postponed.

With DF (and Gaijin in general) it appears to be either “don’t know”, or “know what (perhaps) but no clue about when”.


which one is that?

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Lower the BR too :eyes:


M4A2(76)W for soviets



That sounds like a project management issue more than anything else.

The artificial breather of selling old squads for gold?

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Axis as German+Japanese or only Germany?, because while it is true that the German has the most event squads ingame they didn’t get anything substancial on the tech tree since the Tiger II (H) pre-merge. And the Japanese did get a ton of content, but they are the faction with less event squads. Both the Soviets and Japanese still lack event APC which are more important than the gimmick engineers.


There is a ton of stuff that can be improved without making their own tech tree, like being able choose the nationality of any new soldier or Italians getting uniforms.


Yes “Germany” has a decent selection, But I would Expect Germany and USA to get alot as they have Subnations (Major subnations at that) thrown under their Banner and Fight Multiple Nations. Soviets and Japan only have “one” opponent, and no subnations.

Soviets have been getting a fair go (by comparison) events wise and tech tree (recently) and mostly at same time as germany.(Assault engineers, AT-44 Assaulters, Paratroopers, T-34 100, ). I would argue getting way too much High BR stuff though.

Japan is in drought (events) and although getting tech tree love, they are still a skeleton crew in some areas.

Im not complaining, but I am hopeful for more content in the form of subnations (Italy can be expanded alot, also Hungary and Romania has some cool stuff that if not tech tree would be good event squads/vehicles


james, you silly goober, you funny goofball, japan has not had any events for 8 or 9 months

(heavy tank no.6 please? japan needs more br.5 tanks)

axis is not JUST germany :slight_smile:


Probably because they’ve got the most attention with their tech tree the past few updates.

Premium paratroopers for Japan… when :grey_question:

Current paratroopers are awful :face_vomiting:


Lets not pretend that the campaigns were that creative either. Like around 40% or so were copy+pastes, worse for the Germans and the Rusians.


Soviets actually need some low BR stuff, at least a new machine gun and SMG.


agreed. A perfect squad Would be a BR 2 machine gun squad as you say, or Perhaps a BR 2 low capaicty Semi auto (which the sks squad on sale here fits lol)…too much High BR

I would also suggest some sidegrade/lesser SMGs at BR 2, so that PPS 42/43 and MP 38 and MP 40 can move out of BR 2…thats just IMO

Yes for sure, they def need this for TT, maybe reason i wont bother, lvling low USSR, when i already have, Event BR5 stuff for a line up. :rofl:

got to laugh at the timing here, now you mention low BR Ussr semi auto :stuck_out_tongue:

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