Road Map 2024/25

So what’s going on?

We don’t know what you guys working on atm. We have nothing in particular to look forward to. Event and updates keeps popping up, ofc. But still. We truly want to know what you’re planning.

Loved last year’s road map. It was a great way to inform the players of the short- and long-term goals.
That map and the following communication along the way brought necessary transparency, where your ideas and goals would be shared but also discussed constructively.

It also created a hype.


I think they are still getting back up after the fail of steam


road map: finish 2023 road map + fix the f ups of merge.


less than a month for it to be halfway into the year

There is no hope of getting back on steam. I mean why should people play enlisted? if people want HA they have many other games. For the pve part? sorry DF is reducing pve part as much as possible. Just for good experience on pay to win? There aren’t many thing worth spending money on. the paratroopers and the BP are the only things I think worth it. To have the best gear in the game you pretty much have to do slave labouring.

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maybe DF finally realized if they dont make any promise to people then those who play the game will be less disappointed

And still you’re playing lmao …

It’s a wonderful game, despite all flaws/bad decisions.

Probably Steam-management, ye.
Either way, loyal and dedicated players like myself “deserve” to know what’s going on. And more importantly, hesitant players in general needs to know why they should stick around in the long-game.

Yea I believed this game can be wonderful and I already spend too much on this game before I realized the slavs cannot be trusted

I don’t understand why you would think they won’t relaunch on steam at some point, I think you took one too many doomer pills.

We might get one for the remainder of the year. I understand why the devs would be so hesitant to put out a roadmap considering the progress on the one from last year and delaying routine things like the battlepass.

According to gajin (the publisher), steam doesn’t provide any meaningfull boost to the player numbers.

Though it was said a while ago so maybe something has changed.

Personally I’ve never liked roadmaps. I’m more of a you it when you want how you want whenever you want kind of person. When they’re ready to release something they’ll release it

I just have fun playing

If that was their perception then I don’t know why they would have done a steam launch at all. Idk.

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Well, I hope it’s proper steam release

Our small brains are too pathetic to comprehend gajin’s divine knowledge.


so true

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The game has been in development for at least 7 years and it’s still in beta. Is it just one guy doing everything over there?

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Just tell me one simple thing. Where is the bloody ‘New Campaign in New Format’? And we were supposed to get ‘two’ of these according to the 2023 roadmap. This just feels so boring. I was eagerly waiting for France to come as a sub-faction down the road. But no. Instead we get an iconic French LMG as a gold weapon order for the Allies! Like seriously mate? Hoping they come out with some information in this regard.