Temporarily available: Johnson M1941 squad

Since Enlisted is a FREE game and no one is required to spend any money, I have no problem with buying BP weapons or buying an occasional squad. After all, it is not free for Gaijin to make this game. So I agree with you and fully support them. However, I will still bitch at times about DF…That is what old men do best. :rofl:

You won’t believe this, but people spend money on far more meaningless stuff.

It is absolutely useless to evaluate such offers rationally.

If it’s not for you, just be glad that you areálu going to save some money. Someone else will definitely buy it (Although in this case I’ll pass as well), and it will make him happy.

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I guess I spent to many years managing a car dealership, so I tend to scrutinize everything. We used to get Jeep Wranglers in, and I would slap $30 worth of Ebay Zombie Outbreak Response Team decals on them and add $1,000 bucks to the price and people would pay it… I had an old Wrangler and I Zombie’d it as well.


Stuff like that Soviet rocket tank am I right? :upside_down_face:

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You can just say collector, just like I wrote :person_shrugging:

(I’m not even sure I got this one back in the day. I only listed the 2 possible buyer types)

A player’s first couple matches are bot only lobbies, then they’re thrown to the wolves

On the game? Yes. On this squad? Hells naw.

Permanent extra squad slot for your lineup for $5 is a good get, no question.

Can someone explain why Soviet engineers can build German anti-tank guns, not 57mm ZIS-2 anti-tank guns or M-42 anti-tank guns. This is hilarious :rofl: :rofl:

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In my opinion the sovjet rockettank guarantees more fun

well i disagree and that it

collecting things in this game is kinda stupid, because one day the servers are going to be shut down and your entire collection is going to be gone

because i loved to collect the winter skins in heroes and generals, and look where all of my money ended up

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I was about to mention H&G then saw your second paragraph…

All my generals… my squads… all my soldiers all specialized in one top weapon type… my tanks with priciest camos… my overpriced uniforms… my overpriced weapon skins (luger with ivory cross, twice)…


lmao that squad can suck my Johnson

You could literally outfit a free engineer squad like this there 0 benefit from dropping cash on it outside of “collectible squad” (no thanks I already got burn enough on NFTs) and the special look

Bruh do you realize a lot of us started playing this game because it was free and we’re broke lmao, most of us arent programmers making $150K, If im gonna drop cash it’s gotta be worth it, like the extra squad slots for $5, no brainer.

IF you need to monetize the game, give players value, here’s some other monetization ideas:

-US MG Squad with Stingers (people would eat that shit up)
-Special Forces squad (with 3 silenced SMGs and 2 silenced full auto Snipers)
-APC Squad with an Engineer (A little P2W but w/e)
-Scoped MGs (MG42 Axis, DP28 USSR, M1919 Browning US)
-switch sights on weapons (not adding a scope to non-scoped rifle) EX I love open sights, hate closed sights
-Adding a bipod, bayonet, or muzzle flash reduction


:rofl: Well said


its so funny that they re-released this like a week after they put that new G30 winchester squad for sale, which is the same BR except with a unique gun and a radio operator, this is just a pay-to-lose downgrade because a free engineer squad can fit more soldiers lmfao

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@MajorMcDonalds @KitsuneLord91 @James_Grove

I’m usually not a salty type of person, but since i didn’t get any response.

Is this a feature for those who just bought the squad? That they can equip whatever weapon they want?

If so; what about us that bought the squad 2-3 years ago?

Feels weird.
(Let me also remind you of the event JPN radio squad. Those who unlocked it the very first day can select whatever weapon they like, unlike us who got it one day later. This bug is still not fixed. And we still haven’t heard any official communication about it).


This is a bug, it’s known.

The bug where you could remove the primary weapon is fixed now, though if players already swapped it out for something else, this will be fixed soon too, same with the JPN radio squad. :slight_smile:


That’s why I think its funny when people call it pay to win, yeah some premium weapons are better but you can make a better free version than almost all the premium squads
