Temporarily available: Johnson M1941 squad


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Being a collector is not about being rational in any way. Itā€™s about simply enjoying it.
Weā€™re all going to die someday, and thus what you said is true of literally everything.
If I wanted to have the most efficient way of life, I certainly wouldnā€™t spend hours playing games.

So I really donā€™t understand your need to say something like that. Itā€™s like going up to an antique collector and asking him why he collects antiques? The sunā€™s gonna swallow this planet one day anyway. And all is going to be gone.


fact actually it why i collect a bunch of lego even tho i know my money would be better used else where (worth it imo if it something someone love)

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Not in your dreams

You do realize that collecting things in real life as opposed to a video game can be passed down to your children, or nephews, or cousins, or whatever other surviving kin, right? The comparison you made is pointless because Enlisted will not exist as a video game within the next 10 years. The sun isnā€™t going to explode within that time so thereā€™s a pretty big difference there

I live in Europe, having kids isnā€™t a modern thing to do here.

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Fun fact, czechia has one of the highest birth rates in europe. Itā€™s still shit though.

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I mean, what is better? A kid or paying half of your monthly wage for shitty premium squads and gold?

Premium squads at least donā€™t disobey your orders or do stupid things (like stand still in front of the enemy tank).

Actually they do.

The recoil of the Austen should be reduced, there is no reason why the recoil of the Austen is so much greater than that of the Steden MK2
Austen BR2ā†’BR1

Any news about the changes of economy ?

About the new event ? New Battle Pass ? New class of soldier ?

Keep an eye on the news very soonā„¢. :slight_smile:

The others will come afterwards when they are ready to be announced!


oh welp one can hope

Whether to consider modifying the Type 1 SMG squad to be interchangeable

Definitely not far fetched, I know multiple people in fucking sales making over a quarter million a year

I know this old a bit but man do I love my E7 I can see why people want it back after I tossed her in the lineup again recently.

As far as CAS goes sheā€™s above average with those 20 mils. They bombs are ok you get a bit better dive accuracy with monoplanes over biplanes in my experience.

The real kicker is AA though. I can shred a group of bombers down to nothing and enemy fighters have no chance. I have better speed and guns than they can have period. If they can fix how planes fly like boats float then itā€™s an easy Ace every game.