Temporarily available: Johnson M1941 squad

On August 6, 1909, the American firearms designer Melvin Maynard Johnson Jr. was born in Boston.

Unlike other famous gunsmiths, he had only a couple of inventions to his name by the end of the war - but what inventions they were! Johnson’s rifle and machine gun were used in limited numbers by the U.S. Marine Corps in the Pacific theater and were highly appreciated for their light weight, accuracy and reliability.

From August 1st (13:00 UTC) to August 6th (13:00 UTC), a unique premium squad with the Johnson M1941 rifle for the USA will temporarily return to the shop for Gold!


The Johnson M1941 rifle is a precision weapon with a fast reload and a 10-round internal rotary magazine, it can also be found in the USA’s research tree. All four engineers in this squad have access to a wide range of buildable structures by default, including the machine gun nest and the anti-aircraft gun. Additionally, this squad’s unique appearance will definitely give your army a special look!


Might get it. I don’t know, pretty strapped for cash right now and gotta pay rent. Lol


To be honest it doesn’t feel very unique, just a free weapon being sold for cash


Preemie Engie Squads are always pretty nice though. I’d say that’s the drive to buy it
Plus supporting DF if you want

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For a bit less you could get the unique Winchester g30r squad


Already got it. Lol
It’s a pretty neat little rifle. Think it’s what? BR II? This would be a Preemie Engie Squad for your BR IV-V set ups. Honestly it isn’t that useful, but could be neat to have. Either way, least it’s an option provided


American Gewehr 41. Hits a little harder, but still meh

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I was talking about the br 4 Winchester

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Johnson MG had a funny feature where it shot from open bolt when set on full auto and from closed bolt while on seli auto. Same goes for FG42.
Open bolt was supposed to ensure better cooling and closed bolt was to increase accuracy (no heavy parts moving during the shot).

It would be cool to have it represented in the game.


yea back when campaign exist i might have buy this but now i have enough to arm a 9 man squad so i dont need it

Huh. Don’t know bout a BR IV one…weird

Interesting… So we are calling them “collectible” now when they come back… Do they now have a different icon, or the same premium icon. Any chance the BF109s can come back?

Also, please bring premium squads back more often (or better yet just bring them back, and keep them available). I get the founder squads, but everything else I don’t get why they even left the store. Squads that are no longer available in general just annoy me. Do the same with old gold orders please.

I would especially want low BR stuff available as this helps new players more, imo.

Is there any chance that we can get a specialist slot for these 4 man engineer squads. Preferably a slot that I can either put a radio operator or an at gunner within? (Similar to how older 4 man assaulter squads get an engineer specialist slot).


He is talking about the newer one that came with the type hei lmg for steam

It’s a good squad, with a decent weapon.

We DO unlock that rifle in the tech tree, so I would mostly recommend that one for

  • collectors
  • newcomers. Because that engineer squad can build EVERYTHING. (Except maybe ampulomet). Very handy for those who didn’t grind engy II yet but still want to contribute well in mid/high br.

This is coming back cause it’s Johnson’s birthday. A special occasion. They’ve done it for multiple, MULTIPLE, preemie squads and events. I kinda like how they’re bringing them back for occasions like this

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Aahhh gotcha. The also auto Garand with apparently missing features according to one dude who told me bout it. Eh, maybe

Does it have HMG nests? I don’t think it does….does it? It’ll have MMG nests for certain obviously, but HMG?

pretty sure HMG are only premium mg squad

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I get that for this one… But they don’t bring them back often enough imo.

Any MG squad, but yes

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