Temporarily available: Johnson M1941 squad

If the 109G10 evers come back, jump on it if you didn’t already.

It’s axis (Germany’s) best fighter atm. Followed up close by the tech tree Italian plane.

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It doesn’t. But the trusty 1919 fills the role to perfection, and they can built it :grinning:

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I don’t really want to think about a beginner buying this and getting lost in a sea of T20, Hei Auto, and StG44.


I have it…I personally want the e7-u2 and f2 to add to my collection. I also want the low BR Soviet fighter that I can’t recall the name of this second.

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Honestly, I do too… But since it is a tech tree rifle… Wonder if it could be updated so that the rifles are changeable like the soviet paras are. Honestly the premiums that are tech tree small arms would be more attractive if they were swappable as you could use the weapon you want but get extra xp

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Browning has many implements of war, all of which are effective. Lol

Well, squads like this one with the Johnson M1941 equipped are already in the tech tree, so this one specifically was removed from the store since it didn’t really need to be in the game and would be confusing for many.

It’s a “collectible” squad due to this, and returns for players who are interested in making their squad loadouts a bit more unique with different uniforms and engineers that can build other structures, as mentioned in the original post.

As for a specialist slot, see the developer Q&A and roadmap:

Q. Are you considering any improvements to premium squads? For example, adding a universal slot for specialists?

A. Yes, we’ve seen this request from players. Therefore, we’re considering the possibility of giving all premium squads a universal slot for an additional specialist, where possible.


I like this manager


So collectible will be used if the squad has a tech tree identical. That is interesting. May I suggest two things for these then:

  • A unique icon different then the one premiums use (while maintaining the XP bonus and cosmetics)
  • Make weapons swappable with others (like the premium Soviet paras)… Since they are tech tree weapons, making them swappable would increase their value and versatility since they won’t have the unique weapons) … For vehicle they could either have an alternate loadouts or maybe could use event and bp vehicles of the class as an alternate.

I was aware… Mostly just further feedback in trying to move it from “considering” to “acting on” :sweat_smile:

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with 37mm canon. At br1.

It’s a gem :smile:

Note: the canon DOES WORK on vehicles… really, REALLY well!

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Yup that is the one

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Plus it’s high BR US squad, which is basically guaranteed win nowadays.

Feels good man. Feels good. Lol

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The “collectible” squad name may not be limited just to those with weapons in the tech tree - it will also be used for other unique squads, like the U-2 “Night Witches”, for example. Those that are perhaps really cool for other reasons. :slight_smile:

  • A unique icon different then the one premiums use (while maintaining the XP bonus and cosmetics)

It’s unlikely, there’s not really a reason to not refer to them as premium squads, because they literally are premium squads and always have been. Removing them from the store doesn’t change that. Also, there are often a number of reasons why from many areas why old premium squads aren’t able to be changed often, and when they are, they’re only changed in specific ways. :slight_smile:

I was aware… Mostly just further feedback in trying to move it from “considering” to “acting on” :sweat_smile:

There are bigger priorities right now, like the Silver economy and progression changes (which I’m sure all can agree with). Things on the roadmap will take higher priority!


Thank you for clarifying

Fair enough, still think it would be a good change to make them have changeable guns if it’s possible though. If not cuz legacy code, I get that.

Oh I agree, don’t get me wrong. Much bigger properties are there.


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Collectible squads feel like something that should be in a veterans box :face_with_monocle:



For in game currency

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I know.

I just dislike gacha mechanics. Or casinos in general. “The house always win” never the customer…

I remember officials saying they wanted to distance themselves from gacha when they removed the academy and bronze orders…

It’s just going backwards :thinking: