Temporarily available: Johnson M1941 squad


Mine is a hundred times better,it’s even free


here´s some why i say that br 3 isn´t fair against br 2:

1: Tanks like the sherman 105 are a very big problem, Kv-1 is hard to kill, panzer 4 is ok but in the rigth hands is a complete beast.

2: Semi auto spam: garand, svt, vg 1-5, Gewerh 41 cannot be comparable as the early semi auto rifles like the armagurerra or the m1 carbine cause both have a low damage.

3: Panzerfaust, and bazookas m9 are there, 2 of the best antitank weapons in game.

4: Smg´s like the mp40, m3a1 grease gun, cannot do to much against weapons like the pps 43, Zh, and thompsons

i agree that newbies need their safe place to learn, that´s the why i separated br 3, 4 and 5 because 1 and 2 are the most confortable br´s also this can help to solve to the uptier games when you play br 3
: )


That what I want tickets that can be used to re activate an old event that you didn’t complete. Any duplicate major rewards like squads that you already own would be replaced by large silver or better yet gold orders

Expand new player matchmaking to the completion of tier 1 on the tech tree and introduce faction challenges to teach different mechanics. Completing these challenges for that faction meets a new event/elite squad(engineer ii squad like engineer). As needed move some tech tree items into tier 1, such as APC and Machine Gunner squads. This would also mean you could add things to npm such as better silver reward rates to help you build up your first loadouts easier.

Disallow any tier 2-5 premium squads from npm.

The idea of challenges for new players to incentivize and teach mechanics is interesting. Could even give a couple thousand ES a piece so everyone can stop using newbs as an excuse to increase ES gain and admit they just wanna min/max easier. Lowering APC’s could make things interesting. There is a bunch of junk in the way of them things at the dead end of Tier II research. MG’s I believe are fine how they stand now with the first one starting in BR II
No clue what “npm” is though

this is an oxymoron; it cant be free and bought at the same time :thinking:

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A paradox even :face_with_monocle:


Okay. Let’s not be abusing the flag mechanic of the forums.

It’s okay to disagree with someone’s perspective without flagging that persons posts as all inappropriate.

If you have a genuine complaint, please PM me and I’ll be happy to discuss it with you.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Apparently the newly bought squad is bugged
you can give them any weapon in game (photo from other user)

Here’s my old Johnson squad, printscreened today.





lol, I will never get my honor back after that :I


The coat and trouser camouflage doesn’t match. You should let the developers know they need to fix the color shades used and the pattern on this squad. Then, the developers can fix the camouflage you can purchase in regular squads since those don’t match either.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: keep your head up champ it couldv’e happend to any one of us …

if you give darkflow real money for a free gun then i dont know what to say

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Why not? DF and Gaijin deserves all my support. :purple_heart:

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Npm is new player matchmaking… currently the first 1-3 games you only have bits and other new players unless you are partied with a non new player.

Are you really spending money on this game?

Hmmm, a level 4 squad with only 4 squad members for that much gold? Really? :thinking: The signal unit in the event you had several weeks ago had the same gun and came with 5 squad members? I personally don’t see the need for another “fully semi” auto that will pitted against level 5 “fully auto” semi’s, other then using the Johnson as a back up weapon, or for target practice. Plus, I can get all the Johnson’s I want through the tech tree and put them in bigger squads. If you had a BR 3-4 level instead of 3-5, then it would be a better buy to me.

How bout offering a premium squad that I can use, like one with a BAR1918 A2 that comes with a 40 or 50 round mag, and has at least five soldiers? I can use that in level 5 and it would be more unique then another level 4 Johnson. :wink: It’s nice that DF puts out “unique” squads, but some leave me scratching my head.

Obv, that’s squad mainly for the collection purposes.

The new premium engineer Winchester squad with radioman is better in literally every aspect.
And it’s even cheaper for a bit, just 30 bucks.

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Yeah, I know, but it makes no sense to have a virtual collection that I will never use. :rofl: I guess I am old, and still old school. :rofl: I do buy premium squads, but I only buy them if I think they can make my my squads better in game play. I do have the Winchester squad they offered on the bottom of the tech tree which I think is level 2, and I have used it in game play.