Temporarily available: Johnson M1941 squad

The only way to “repair” the BR system is to remove it entirely. MP3008 in Tunisia is just flat out unacceptable

That being said, YOU LEAVE MY BR III ALONE!

As already expressed by some people here,
This is a purely legacy-style collectable squad.

From a practical standpoint, you are better off buying a Winchester G30R squad because:

  • +1 Radioman who also has G30R
  • While the weapons of both squads are BR4, G30R has 20rnd magazine, is Magazine reloaded + with a bayonet. While Johnson M1941 has 10 rounds capacity, stripper clips fed + no bayonet (despite vistually having a bayonet lug for it)
  • The G30R squad costs relatively the same but is conceivably superior in every way.

I am glad that DF is bringing some squads back for limited sales, but I do still hope that they will bring back other deprecated squads that are unique/meta-changing eventually as well
e.g. M1941 Orita; BR2 Stalingrad German medic squad that its engineer being able to built ampouloumet.


Bro can’t compete with Semi Auto’s
(Yes, they are nerfed and need to be fixed, but they still function and can be used)

Or something like WTs Warbond shop, where you could get warbonds for completing the BP and daily tasks which you could exchange for old event squads, weapons and vehicles.

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Less of those please, thanks

Yes, something like that. I just don’t believe in the gacha trope. Nor gambling, especially with low % chances…

I’d rather players have choice of what they are going for.

Buddy I hate to tell you but you use those war bonds to buy crates that have <.01% of getting good stuff

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I dont get it, its already in the tech tree, why sell it as a premium?

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That’s the reason why I never bought any chests for warbonds or SL, that and my luck which I apparently have in negative numbers, also when I said “Warbond shop” I had the premium vehicle unlocks you can get in there.

well i actually completed the rifles with germany and i really like the gewerh 41 ( the best semi auto rifle in my opinion) i agree that they are nerfed but considering that most of the time in br 4 you will face br 5 is not a viable option that´s they why i say ( is not going to work propelly)

I don’t see how fighting V is a factor at all. “Oh no, FG 42’s. Guess I’ll just give up!” Yeah makes no sense to me. You can double tap or try to keep some range so they’ll switch to semi auto for better accuracy

well being upted to br 5 is not funny i can actually face that situations but for new players this will be a very high problem i also actually made a post talking about br´s, but im gonna to make it more formal (hope it can be heard by the devs) you will really like it : ) not gonna to dissapoint you
: )

Literally the fun of BR III, but ok. It’s the most Enlisted that Enlisted has to offer since Merge. Battle Ratings isn’t Enlisted, it’s War Thunder. Chaotic mess of starter and end game equipment is Enlisted, and I miss it

well both we have the same opinion actually i really like br 3, but if i was a new player i would preffer balance against allies and enemies like my idea, Br 1-2 3-3 4-5 ( in this case br 3 will be a intermedium where is just going to face br 3 players) br 1,2 , 4 and 5 cannot get into br 3 games because is it gets in down tier low br is going to suffer because it have a lot issues facing them and if it goes uptier br 3 will be unfair because the highest brs are going to have an adventage over br 3.

Nah, what I keep saying is out with those sh*** boxes…

Warbond, directly select a squad.

Or a voucher. Just like this here event with pistols.


Better solution, newbies shouldn’t play BR III. They should be in I and II where newbies can better learn the game and get better. To be frank, regardless of if a newbie is in BR III or BR V, High Tier is an absolute swear fest that requires you to be willing to strap in and get ready for a bumpy ride. It’s not something any new player can be dropped into, so they should avoid High Tier entirely until they are ready to enter the thunder dome. Once they have the skills from having played BR II for a while, then BR III should be no problem for them. I started this game in the Normandy Campaign way back when and fought FG 42’s and Tiger’s before I had a Garand or had a Jumbo to “even the playing field.” I still fell in love with the game and stuck with it till the end. New players don’t have this situation. They already have it easy with BR I having been cut off entirely, which honestly is fine I even said that it’s something I’d agree with if newbs really need their “safe space,” but III is not some extreme overmatch for II. To be honest, III isn’t much different from V either. You go from semi to select fire for your rifles. Ok. Still the same damage per bullet and you can just double tap your semi and do about the same effectiveness give or take ease of use and skill. Machine guns for the Axis only increase in fire rate, and the Allies just get a bigger capacity and I think lower RoF. Sovies get a functional MG. Lol. Not really much that someone in BR III with some experience in the game can’t handle

Two things. First, Only US Marines wore that uniform. This squad is part of the US Army’s 2nd Infantry division. Sure, you could customize it if you wanted, but I think squads default uniforms should be accurate to the unit.

Second, Want Italian premiums to come back for an event. Please n thank you.


I currently just read the datasheet and for some reason, I cant get the max data for Germany.
I simply added the 15% higher dmg but forgot that iirc DF removed damage upgrades for SA rifles because balance.
So you are right in terms of dmg.

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Oof I really want that 2nd ID indian head logo in my line up… too bad km broke

Eh, I don’t love wing mounted 30mms. I prefer the K-4, but I prefer the A-8 anyway so I maintain some ground attack capability.

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