Tank stabilizers!

in all seriousness if Darkflow gives M24 the M61 APHE shell I will consider buying it.

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Premium tank, lmao

The Red Army didn’t really paint puch red stars on the tanks in combat (it was mostly for parade), but at least some letters and numbers are very necessary indeed:

Then let me spell it out for you since you think you´re so smart that you can´t see the obvious. What was the Panzer II designed for?
A) As a combat vehicle
B) As a training vehicle

The answer is A. That´s litteraly all I´m trying to get at but you´re so occupied with having a meltdown over there that you can´t see what I´m trying to tell you.

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Nice, but I suppose that before adding this new thing you’re going to FIX the dancing/ bouncing cannons and tanks. Even when you’re standing on solid and plain ground AT weapons and tanks themselves are dancing as if they were in a rave party. So, having this in mind, do you plan to fix this before the update or are we going to have a new mechanic alongside a bug that’s been there since the beginning?

cause of bugs that make turret shake when stationary :rofl:

this is the fix :rofl: it will “stabilize” the turret.

Seems like a bad feature to add if some factions (USA) benefit drastically more than others (Germany). Germany often had superior equipment than the Allies in many cases, but this came at the cost of faster production, meaning the Germans might have better tanks but be outnumbered every time. This naturally is not how things are done in the game because it would be unfair. However, for some reason it is okay to add an improvement that only benefits the Allies?? Jumbo is already a very powerful tank that will be even more difficult to deal with if it shoots will driving.

If German tanks should be outnumbered but aren’t, who’s that helping? I’d say the Germans, since they don’t have to deal with issues manufacturing and logistics that historically limited their armored forces

So the Germans already get an advantage in having ahistorical numbers and quality of tanks, but giving American tanks stabilizers is unfair because?

I am not convinced that the Germans have historical quality

A. German equipment was never strictly “better” than American equipment, they just had equipment that worked for different doctrines.
B. The devs have already done something similar with smoke grenade, a feature that mostly benefits German tanks and no one complained then, so why are you complaining now.


Except smoke launchers are kind of useless because of the pahetic cover.
Last time I used them I was oneshoted through this “” wall"" of smoke. And on the replay I was clearly visible.

(Not connected with the main topic of the discussion. Consider it a standalone comment.)

I find they work well enough, but yeah they can be a little inconsistent. Granted, the stabilizers will only work up to 16 kph so they won’t be the most useful thing in the world, just another nice to have, similar to smoke.

I guess it depends on just how much the stabilizers actually do…

They are very consistent in not helping. At least from my experience.
I use them often but it feels like they are mostly RP than actual combat asset.

Smoke ““screen”” in action.

In terms of speed limit, imo it sounds good enough but it depends on their effectiveness.


If they work like on War Thunder, the gun will be stable up to 16 KPH, then not be stable after that. When you come to a stop, the gun will stabilize once your velocity drops below 16 KPH. The only thing this should help on is getting a quick first shot off, and shooting at infantry with the MG while inching forwards.


So where is the Tiger E and Panther stabilisation? Yet again Germany is absolutely pushed aside. First the american jumbo bias and now this.

German tanks never had stablizers, so why should they get it in the game.


I thought Tiger E and Panther did?

No, no German tanks in WW2 stablizers outside of maybe some prototypes.

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Okay my bad. I’ve got a question. How can you counter high tear USA tanks in Normandy as Germans? Im almost Campaign lvl 9 and I’m looking forwards to the Pz IV I will get on lvl 10. Which I hope is good enough to counter for example the jumbo.