Tank stabilizers!

With the speeds these stabilizers work at, the most effective tactic for using them will be to use them to get the gun on target first after stopping, not firing on the move. Sure, you can do the thing where you switch to a manual transmission and lock yourself to first gear making it so that you never go above the speed at which the stabilizer stops working, but unless you are playing a Churchill, you will be seriously handicapping yourself.

What I asked.

But, according to Erika never existed.

Btw. why do we need them since tanks camp anyway?

Very much agree with Hull MG, especially important when engaging infantry, both long range and close, and like you pointed out to get those in low infront of tank.
Better collision with imovable objects you get stuck on would be wonderful too, but i guess we need more advanded engine and 3d world with fully destructible environment to get this fully smooth. But for not those wooden piles of planks or stupid rubble your tank can’t drive over looks ridiculous and is extremely annoying.
Basic National insignias on tank is very much missed indeed, like mentioned, i.e german tank balkenkreuz would be atleast in order or soviet a red star. very lacklustre customization so far.


think logically…
it was used in the beginning and after 1941 it became obsolete and most were used for training and for spare parts or transformed into other types of vehicles.

Which is why they stopped producing it in 44 I guess.
Or a Panzer II with an Tiger in Italy
Or with a Sturmpanzer

Why the german nerf? want to make it accurate? give us ferdinands and jagdpanther!

forgot to replay.

do you see any panther F in enlisted?

( unironically, there is a panther F in enlisted. but it will come as premium so. )
it wasn’t in any panthers that we got.

you truly did a quick research and nothing else.

and then people shit and moan on HAers…

maybe you people should learn from them.

me: about to ask shiivex where he got his sourches and justifications for others tanks or panthers to get sight stabilizers:

probably him: "My source is that I made it up!" Gianni Matragrano - YouTube

Ok, then why did you say it was more of a training vehicle in your oginial comment if you know that it wasn´t? You just mentioned it yourself. It was still used in combat roles after 1941.

wtf. are people in this forum really unable to think at all?
it was used DIFFERENTLY during DIFFERENT periods of the war.
because there are actually people thinking in nuances and adapting strategies according to developments.

Perfect reminder about this topic. Spam has been removed

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But what’s the problem you trying to adress?

Don’t get it, tbh.

Regarding the “technology” - PZII had shoulder stabilizer, as ppl already stated.

And regarding the tank itself - it’s already in the game. So why shouldnt they give the stabilzer to it?

I like where all this is going.

Stabilizers are a nice touch.

Loving being able to use the commanders personal weapon when top popped. (Missed when that came in, but love it)

Hoping for

  • independent passenger coaxial mg gunners
  • bulldozers/ flails, for removing mines and destroyed tanks (oh yeah, bet it wont get used for mines :stuck_out_tongue: )
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M4A1 (76) W already had stabilizer though New Campaign Levels - News - Enlisted


While you are working on stabilizing tank type guns, can we get a stabilizer for AT field guns please? Like seriously.

mind telling me how they nerfed german vehicles? because reading the article it looks like that they will be the exact same(aka the bad tanks will still be bad, the good tanks will still be good)

and you need these why? the only vehicle that can even remotely touch those is the IS-2 and CAS while US tankers can’t do shit with it especially with m72 and m62. but if you want to play that game give the US m61 for the 75mm m3 and make it so that the HE can skull fuck the tiger 1 and panther with a shell played under the hull floor (oh btw the jadpanther is in game already as a berlin premium)

Thing about enlisted, is since Infantry is king. You could get away with adding All those tanks like Ferdinand’s and elephants. Just for the cool factor…Wouldn’t really effect how a game is won (not an advantage, It might be a beast vs tanks…but would be so low impact vs infantry), OR how easy it would be to delete one with CAS or infantry.

Not saying they should be added. Just saying their impact “should” be minimal…


it’s a bit tricky about that since the only AT weapon that could reasonable defend those 2 is the panzerfaust and panzerschrek leaving CAS as the only viable option which can be hit or miss depending on the pilot though note this is only for grayzone campers which i believe most people would do with that anyways =/

Probably would only get used to Grayzone camp (as they too big an cumbersome to use on the cramped maps). Useless, waste of a player/vehicle slot.

But would still be bloody cool to see driving around :slight_smile:

I wonder if they do any Enduring confrontation like game modes with more vehicles. might be interesting then.