Suspending Early Access on Steam

How can you be as greedy as this company. A wasted opportunity for new potential players.


All i сan say is only that: Am just a CM guy, comrade, im bringing good or bad news, it’s what im do.


we need Italian uniforms and we need the cosmetic system fixed. Having to buy the same head 5 times for a soldier because the Stronger than Steel update made it so soldier head customization is only per campaign now is excruciating


Can you at least forward my idea to the devs? See if they are willing to look into it?

The sand blue Italian uniforms are in the game but only available to Tunisia while every other campaign only has German uniforms

here is an idea for devs.
community bug bounty program.

community pick 5 bugs every month that it would like to get fixed as priority and devs get happy community.


There is some tweaks for newbies to try out game properly like in any other similar game so it’s fine. Rn br system stays as it is.

You can do it already by liking on CBR one important bug and it will be showed in top 10 there.

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now that we know of it we will (ab)use it.

YES! Thank you James. I want to keep enjoying my favorite FPS game till it all ends. I enjoy the game as it is now

It’s still not guarantees to fix it right away.

Hi all, just wanted to share an idea I just had that might help with player engagement.

Customization ideas:


Have set achievements for each soldier, eg. destroy x amount of tanks etc. Once that goal is achieved the soldier would have a medal added to their in game appearance. The medal models would be based off real life medals, eg. Iron Cross, Assault badge. This would make soldiers look more unique and be a cool way to show off your in game achievements.

-Captured items:

Add foreign captured items to a soldiers gear, eg. camo smock, Stalhelm on back, foreign holster, enemy flag. These could be unlocked by completing set tasks, eg. 100 battles vs Japan, 500 headshots vs Axis etc. This addition would match with the historical practice of souvenir/trophy hunting, and also add another level of personalization to our appearance.

I think these changes would greatly improve our attachment to our individual soldiers and provide us a means to show off our in game achievements. I believe these additions would make the game feel a lot more personalized and give players another reason to keep on playing.

@James_Grove so what can we do about the cosmetic system? its impossible to afford outfits for a whole squad for 3-4 campaigns, the entire cosmetic system might as well been soft removed from the last update


Wait you guys don’t have hundreds of orders for appearance?

Terrible decision imho.


So its still kit for BR 2 or BR 5 or get mega punched down on

That’s why we giving more appearance orders in the events recently, to give you opportunity to make it possible.


it doesnt need to be fixed right away. it is enough to get into priority queue to be fixed in next couple of updates.


Actually this new customization system eats up more of those appearance orders personally I wouldn’t buy anything until they have improve it. Like you got buy almost duplicate of an outfit for each campaign most of the time and the appearance orders on soldiers face changes is broken even if you buy a face under that campaign tab it wouldn’t show at all except the soldier’s uniforms

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