Suspending Early Access on Steam

So we can have more rofl stomps in Berlin and Tunisia? Cool. Nice alternative.

I don’t know how this is contrary. If game has not enough players for another queue, I dont know how it would work with six, let alone plus… how many dead-end campaigns are too much? Four more? Five more?
And then plus server locations plus factions plus minus time periods…

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if they don’t have enough players for another queue they don’t have enough players for merge either.

Removing player choice is never the answer and merge removed a lot of player choice.

Heck if anything merge was just an across the board nerf since some nations can only queue certain maps while others can queue almost all (example of almost all are German and Ru and factions like japan are the only ones that can queue only 1 set of maps but get fucked by US having to fight german too)

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As for me personally since the merge i saw no real reason to play came back for the engineer squad event because let’s face it its an OP squad.

The merge ruined all the uniqueness, immersion and fun of the game for me. Its not the game i supported in Alpha anymore and i’m actually pissed i spent money on the game.

And yes i am pissed that Enlisted is making the exact same mistakes H&G made in the years leading up to its death. Sadly there aren’t many multiplayer ww2 shooters left outside of the milsim space with HLL, Squad44 and mods for Arma 3.

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You should try playing lone fighter or try setting up a custom match for squads

Ehh No.
The point was to unify the campaigns and the playerbase into one mm and reduce queues which they did. I dont know why you need more players for that.

No. We should always nerf it into the ground because that makes more fun.

And what was it? Keep lol cowing as Berlin Axis, Pacific Allies, SG Allies or Tunisia Allies/ Axis after they got paras and SFs?
Yeah Really a shame that we cant get that anymore.

Such as?
And how does that even work if you at worst still have only one choose of maps as before? What a nerf.

And how was that before? Im pretty sure if you played SU SG, you couldnt play SU Moscow either.

Not really. FG42 and AVT/ AVS plus radio and bomber is still better.

To farm bots?
Yeah What a shame that we lost that.

Such as?

Easy Red 1 and 2, BFV, CoDs, RO2…

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technically enlisted is still in beta until it gets to version 1.0

no they wouldnt. any new campaign would be just making game more and more PVE. playerbase shifts would just create one faction dominating those campaigns making other faction unplayable and filled with bots. now we have playerbase shifts, but matches are full of people and those shifts are temporary depending on the update.

everyone expects steam to be savior with its loads of players that will magically play enlisted. people forget that game has been out for 3+ years and that millions of people have already tried it. here is example of wows that has been out for 2-3 years before steam release

Well. I certainly put more faith into that than into DFs social media marketing.

True BF V is now more historically authentic than Enlisted. Shame that game went clown mode at the start and died before they added any more interesting content.

CoD hasn’t had a ww2 game since WaW and no cod vanguard and ww2 don’t count.

I will admit i did forget about RS/RO2 should really reinstall that tbf is a fun game.

As for your other ‘‘comments’’ most aren’t even worth addressing.

But for me personally at least the Bot comment is such a cope enlisted still is 80% shooting at bots most of the targets you see are AI even the small 5 man squads only 1 soldier is player controlled rest are AI soo the ‘‘oh you only wana shoot bots’’ argument is soo stupid since that is literally the game.

Enlisted is PvE mostly anyway even at a full lets say 10v10 game and let’s take out 2 squads per team as tanks/planes that leaves 8 with an avg squad size of 5-9 soo of the ~50-60 potential targets 40-50 are controlled by AI.

And for me personally an immersive/authentic gameplay experience with limited theater selection trumps whatever the hell the game is now with random maps, horrible matchmaking and completely unbelievable scenarios.
Merge destroyed the atmosphere the game had, ruined the already bad progression and made everything even more expensive.

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Enlisted never was authentic.

According to you?

Then dont say anything at all, smartbutt.

Its cope because you are either dumb or intentionally dont get the difference between bot squadmates and bot-lead squads.
The biggest one is that later cant use tanks and planes.

there is big difference between bot lead squad and human lead squad. one is easy target for human players and one is actually a challenge.

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Replying to you is trully not worth it.
i didn’t say it was Historically accurate i said authentic.

The term ‘authentic’ is used either in the strong sense of being “of undisputed origin or authorship”, or in a weaker sense of being “faithful to an original” or a “reliable, accurate representation”.
source: Authenticity (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Enlisted used to be before the merge.

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Because you dont check that no one cares about Eilas definition of authenticy, but DFs definitions, to call the game bad.
Only games/ devs defintions are worth to mention and use, not 1002829373639298373 different individual standards.

Cool. Its not like historical accruacy, but it is accurate. Im also pretty sure the devs wrote reprensation or its verb in the ad.

And you can call shit crap, its still about the same at the end.

Says who? You?
So why should we all care about you and not the game’s own standards it set up and marketized?

It isn’t period.
Also devs opinions don’t mean shit its about the consumers/players and when a totally playable actually fun game gets turned into a shitty worse than WT grindfest with multiple scams and a fomo event every month with fucked mm where only BR 2 and BR 5 are basically playable ye… i do think the game is gona die. Heck i’m ashamed i supported the project in alpha.


please tell me about old days where springfield and stuart were playable against stg44 and tiger.


Tunisia 2.0

Don’t be. You didn’t know what you gonna sign for :slightly_smiling_face:

No. It doesnt mean HA, but refers to accuracy. Totally different.
Im also pretty sure that the devs still used representation in their ad but still… totally different because its only representative and accuracy.

But yours does?

If game was that we wouldnt had bot matches and thousands leaving each month. Stop coping with old order.

Like it wasnt a scam and grindy before.
Nah. Grinding the MG34 5 times wasnt grindy at all.

Because there are only two queues. I know its bad that you cant farm bots anymore but most players actually want to play against player squads for the most part.
And bot squads are still not the same as player-lead squads.

Well. So far it didnt really. Its stagnating, but still better than losing ks of players per month as old system did.

I am a new player and I agree with most of what is stated by “EVA_Gladitor” . The AI is in need of serious work and considering the level of AI in other games I don’t see why that’s not a “constructive” request as you say.