Darkflow is tying their own noose by charging money on Steam for a game that operates as a F2P business model

not really. it has pretty constant daily player base for a year now. in another month or two i will collect data again to see game health.


so far data shows nothing about any danger of shutting down.

Where are these packs everyone is upset about? Does anyone know anything about them? Was there some kind of datamine released? Are they saying you have to buy a pack to play on steam in order to play on steam release, or is it free to play?

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early access on steam will probably be only available to those who buy some packs on it (probably protection for review bombing that some players announced). when game goes full release it will be f2p on steam also.

also any squad that will be available on steam will be available for standalone client.

Thanks for the clarity

I dunno, personally I got really burned out and resentful towards the game because of how crap the matchmaker is. FOMO events/new content seem to result in player surges, but it quickly seems to dissipate. For now it plays fine-ish but I won’t be surprised if in two weeks its going to be ba back to either it’s 1v19 or you get a win no matter what
I guess Steam release will mean public steam charts at least

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steam charts only show players that play through steam and not those who are on standalone client or on consoles, so it wont mean much overall cause majority of players will not be on steam.

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Obviously for the paid early access…but I think if they release it as f2p most people will transition to Steam. And probably majority of new players after actual Steam release will come from Steam - so pretty soon it probably will be reasonably close anyway

nope. only masochists want to launch their game through 2 launchers.

maybe, but there were some other games where only minority of players come from steam

not really. WoWS is a good example. steam players show only part of the playerbase (and it is global). btw think that these numbers are without consoles cause they dont have crossplay.

lol? Well, I guess I’m not sure what to think on this anymore.

and the reviews are coming in! who could have seen this coming?

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Tbh, 17 reviews with 0.1h ingame time are absolutely devastating

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True rewiews can be gathered after at least a month. Now it’s just salty vets who vent frustration.

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and the game didnt even last half a day before being taken off the store, lol

Well, because some overdramatic guys did interpreted issues during EA as “scamming”. And were spreading this nonsense everywhere they could.

Some of them didn’t even know that they are buying EA, lol.

personally I am okay with this paid “early access”, but:

  1. That $20 steam pack should include unique stuff like the two tanks in $80 pack, not two recycled squads
  2. They should have figured out the account merging before release, this is beyond stupid.

They should have put unique squads there, that’s true (even tho they’re basically unique, just the weapons and icons are reused) . But definitely not the vehicles, as a significant portion of the player base might prefer infantry play.

I believe that they rushed it. Just to keep their promise of Steam release during Q1.
In support to my claim, initially the release was supposed to be without any EA. So in my opinion, they were aware that some issues could happen.

they should have created 2 new weapons for the Steam EA squads, not just copy paste existing premiums lmfao. Just spitballing ideas but maybe the SIG MKMO for Germany and the Makrykano M1943 for the Allies? Something to catch people’s attention, I don’t know. Nobody really cares if they get a squad armed with grease guns.

They should have given weapons that are iconic and recognizable by most people. M1a2 carbine engineer squad for allies would have been nice alongside with 20 round m1a1 assault squad. For the tank m22 locust would have been interesting. I am not sure what axis would get but all of the squads should be br 1-2

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