Why does BR I & II also have to include BR III?

Yeah, that would be the easy fix, if the devs ever decide to go through with it.

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Or they could just add a filter for what maps you actually are trying to play with your current BR.

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That would at least let you decide whether you want to play the game historically accurate, or not. For example, you could choose to have BR V Tunisia, with a Tiger 2, but everyone else that thinks that is ridiculous, has the choice to opt out of it.


darkflow forces br3 to be in both br2 and br5 queues because of player count problems, yet darkflow screws around with the steam releases, ruins it, then refuses to acknowledge it, even though the additional players would allow them to expand the BR matchmaking brackets and create an even more enjoyable game


I agree, but if even with the low player count, you should be able to play the game exactly how you want to, in matches with like minded people, excluding custom matches. That you still have to pay for premium to play without Ra ndoms crashing your game, just because they can.

idk what you are expecting from steam… to double the player count? cause some other games have shown that f2p games that have been out for few years get rather low intake of players through steam (~5-10% of playerbase in months after steam release).

i mean… yes? its the largest gaming platform on the PC and it has a lot of stubborn people who wont use any other video game launchers besides steam, i have like 4 people on my friendslist who want to play enlisted but will only do so if they can play it through steam lmfao

Ideally, I think that is an end goal. . . but it becomes a balancing act with wait times … DF seems very worried about wait times (which was helped by the merge from 6 campaigns to 4 factions.

Most people however do agree and are wanting a 3rd matchgroup … most commonly through :

BR 1 - 2
BR 3 - 4
BR 5 on its own.

this ^^^^^^^

br 3-4 should be its own bracket for semi auto rifles

the g43, johnson rifle, svt-40 are all garbage picks in the meta because they’re in the same queue as full auto battle rifles

Yes, I would love to see something along these lines:

BR 1 & 2: “Thumper” SMG and LMG’s with Bolt Actions and small caliber semi’s (less than 10 hit power)

BR 3 & 4: Standard SMG and LMG with Semi autos (Battle Rifle)

BR 5: High ROF SMG and LMG with Select Fire / Full Auto Rifles.

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you have unrealistic expectations. you would need years and years before player count could come even close to number of PC players through their own site. you can check data on games like WT, WoT, WoWS. i have previously given example with WoWS player count charts (which were pulled directly from wargaming API)

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I still can’t believe it’s been ignored. It’s wild. Literally.

That makes sense to me. An early teir, a mid tier, and End tier by itself.

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Yeah, that’s part of the problem, all of the semi auto rifles are BR III and IV.

Just like you can use level 1 equipment against level 2 equipment
You can easily kill level 3 gear with level 2 gear
If you have a good level 1 aircraft with excellent bomb-dropping capabilities
Then even level 5 tanks can be easily destroyed

I feel that the number of newbies has increased by more than 30%
Because cannon fodder has begun to increase since the failed press conference (it may have only accounted for 30% before)
Now almost every game has 70% cannon fodder (poor skills, no detours, no respawn points)
Or the official packaged the AI to look like a player


Do you know how not cool and counter to reality it is to tell a player that they should WAIT to use their newly acquired thing…be it a new unlock or an event item?

While yes it is the smart thing to do and it is something we should recommend due to the current state of the game … removing the issue of it being an issue should be the ultimate goal … regardless if a change is small steps or large steps toward that goal.

Why does BR 1-2 also include BR3? Because the Makers of the game are great at making models and charging money for over priced squads and guns, but terrible at knowing how to match make. :wink:

do you really think br1 pilots can accurately drop a bomb on a tank?