Darkflow is tying their own noose by charging money on Steam for a game that operates as a F2P business model

This is a seriously bad idea. Nobody is going to want to pay money for Enlisted and then get told to purchase premium membership.

First impressions are seriously important. Everybody remembers Cyberpunk 2077 or No Man’s Sky as games that flopped on launch, and redeeming yourselves to the community is much, much harder than just making a good first impression at the start.

Yes, I understand Darkflow needs money, but this is not the correct way to do it.

Please, listen to us as a community. Enlisted is heading towards a catastrophe with its current course.


They will probably add week of premium with those packs.

Actually I just played the game a few months ago and it was enjoyable. But I digress


don’t wanna involve into conspiracies…

but can you imagine if those packs will be of tier III or above?

proper first impression experience :joy:


Me too. And it was the first time I’ve ptried the game.

Firstly, completely bugged tutorial which didn’t let me continue and I had to repeat all of it.
Then later in city, I was consistently encountering the same npc models in groups like 3 or more.
Wth? Is this GTA:SA? literally on 1m² there 4 the exactly same people.

Nah, definitely not a good game. Still bugged, and still lazily done.
I wasn’t risking to play longer, since I wanted my money back.

(Btw. If you feel like I am derailing your topic. Just tell me and I delete my posts. No need to flag me lol)


If you would keep playing you will see that story and characters weren’t that great, gameplay also was pretty poor, itemization for rpg was way too limited and the world with city felt like a movieset for the Hollywood movie you practically couldn’t enter any building, there were no flying cars, metro was not working till very recently, no side activities except boring rng radiant quests like from Oblivion. They ruined the story completely by jerking off Reeves every 5seconds instead focusing on other way more interesting characters.

CDP Red is one of the most overrated devs out there. Witcher 3 also sucked only a couple quests were great but 98% were mmorpg tier with horrible gameplay, dreadful writing, awful simplistic combat and childish villains that you could find in Disney movies (same can be said about Cp2077) see? they are bad because they wear dark clothes, they are ugly and kill random people! now Geralt go kill them and save the world. So lame.

The paywall won’t stop me leave a negative review and refund it

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Steam filters these reviews. But this game will die soon anyway. For a long time, the developers do not solve the problems with game balance and the fluctuation of players between factions. My guess is that steam will not bring any new players. Maybe in the short term, but these new players will quickly leave the game. And that at the latest in the spring of a year, there will be an announcement about shutting down the game’s servers.

Nono, I don’t think Enlisted is in immediate danger of shutting down. But they are absolutely going down that path.

CRSED FOAD, Darkflow’s other game, is barely ever talked about and yet Steam DB says it has 250 players right now. Not shut down.

At the bare minimum, Gaijin, the publishers, could keep Enlisted on life support. It may just die slowly with a whimper and stop receiving updates like Day of Infamy.

Good luck with that refund if they add even a single gold into this pack that will be self redeeming.

Whales are still buying overpriced preorders, dolphins like me are still buying yearly premium during sale and occasional packs at -50% off so they are doing more than fine.

But their profit got hit due lack of content during merge and steam launch drama that’s why they want to recoup some losses with b2p Steam launch.

Day of infamy barely got any updates that gave us content so it’s a bad comparison, no shit it shut down who would want to keep playing same maps with same guns for who knows how long.

Enlisted is 2nd most popular and profitable game in their portfolio it’s not going to shut down any time soon but they need to improve and listen to us if they want to grow and not decline (it’s not in decline in term of player population)

Brings back the good memories. Used to have a group of my friends playing DOI but everybody got bored and left. It has so much potential in my opinion. The officer system is definitely something enlisted should take a look at. (And the AI behaviours). I still have it installed and may hop on once in a while after I’m fed up with enlisted.

I don’t mind spending a little money, I just want to send a message and let steam players know how the company is turning a potential great game into a cashgrab.

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not really. it has pretty constant daily player base for a year now. in another month or two i will collect data again to see game health.


so far data shows nothing about any danger of shutting down.

Where are these packs everyone is upset about? Does anyone know anything about them? Was there some kind of datamine released? Are they saying you have to buy a pack to play on steam in order to play on steam release, or is it free to play?

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early access on steam will probably be only available to those who buy some packs on it (probably protection for review bombing that some players announced). when game goes full release it will be f2p on steam also.

also any squad that will be available on steam will be available for standalone client.

Thanks for the clarity

I dunno, personally I got really burned out and resentful towards the game because of how crap the matchmaker is. FOMO events/new content seem to result in player surges, but it quickly seems to dissipate. For now it plays fine-ish but I won’t be surprised if in two weeks its going to be ba back to either it’s 1v19 or you get a win no matter what
I guess Steam release will mean public steam charts at least

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steam charts only show players that play through steam and not those who are on standalone client or on consoles, so it wont mean much overall cause majority of players will not be on steam.

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Obviously for the paid early access…but I think if they release it as f2p most people will transition to Steam. And probably majority of new players after actual Steam release will come from Steam - so pretty soon it probably will be reasonably close anyway