Suspending Early Access on Steam

It already is. HVAR’s are near worthless now

This is not a “disaster” . This is expensive. That’s it.

E X P E N S I V E.

As most things in this game by the way. But not a disaster.


EXACTLY. I was just about to list those things like hit registration, pathfindeing etc. But you summed it up.
People who complain because there isn’t enough cosmetics can wait.
It is bugs that need addressing first. Imperfect hit registration is something really unfair and frustrating (and many of us come to Enlisted to unstress after a day of work.)
Make your code bug-proof. Order a team to find out all weakspots, all variables that can potentially mess things up and refactor them. (for goodness sake, find and annihilate once and for all the bug that increases dispersion after mounting the weapon while standing). The same with maps - eliminate every gap in textures, every possibility for bots to get stuck. Code a special checker to easily ensure that there are no bot-blocking objects or mechanics added in the future. Take your time and do that. We’ll be glad to hear that the game is getting more mature and more bug-proof, even if the news does not bring any new events, helmets, half-tracks, or whatever new changes to the UI.


Can free ai receive a raise? :thinking:


yes it is?

  • lacklaster selection

    • outside lacking many items, you don’t even get access to all pouches options or some cosmetics are straight up locked for squads for no reason. ex, white pants, gray berlin tunics or green stainhelm for snipers only.
  • cosmetics being shown are not actually the one you will go in battle with

  • expensive

  • you have to buy twice or even more the same bloody uniforms for the same guy across multiple campaings

and do we even have to talk about the face transplantation among campaigns?

so, no. it’s not just expensive.
but bugged and overal, a disaster.

i haven’t seen such a bad cosmetic system in any game.


you mean those liberated automaton? No, not until they change their way to democracy!

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Laughs in High Tier

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Do you Remember the cyborg? No? Thats rigth and would be the same for the automaton

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You’re right.

Those must be liberated!

“once, men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free.** **But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”

If you wish to know more, I’d be happy to send ppl to bother you at your door to talk about it


Laughing To Crying GIFs | Tenor

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I’m sure the post wasn’t written with AI, only the picture is AI generated but it is cool anyway in the context of this post

Ooof imagine… if James was in fact… A ROBOT!!!

No ofc posts aren’t ai generated, we don’t need pretty stories, we need info. I only said what I said because you said the one responsible for the picture should get a raise. Free ai can’t really get a raise…


You mean the AI tool?

Well. You can let them write the text for ya.

Spoken like a true building camper, if you went outside you’d score better. Yes, I do suggest accepting the bug until they fix it. Crying about it won’t make them fix it faster, when they’ve repeatedly said they’re aware of it.

Dont worry, majority of community supports you!


First off its good to hear about the apology announcement!
Secondly… what i’m about to write is negative and most likely hurtful but it is not directed at you personally or the community management/dev team but more at the higher ups.

That being said… When will the team behind enlisted acknowledge that the merge was a failure? Supposedly the merge happened due to low player counts soo seeing this

in the post was quite infuriating…

There are other issues too like:

  • Owners of Pacific full access bundle being effectively scammed with merge
  • economy and progression being fucked (for me personally can’t buy my researched Tiger 1 and can start research on Tiger 2 … however to buy Tiger 1 i need to research many ex-stalingrad campaign tanks which would cost over 500k rp to get combined… soo i can purchase something i’ve already researched… even WT fixed that a long time ago
  • grind is arguably worse now than even in alpha test where only way to get equipment were lootboxes.
  • Matchmaking makes no sense BR 3 being +/-2 is strange and honestly majority of previously good usable vehicles are now effectively useless (vehicle balance is arguably worse than old normandy)

FOMO event squads are getting out of hand… there are soo many event squads that are no longer available/unobtainable with no tech tree counterparts.

Take the recently added APCs the TT ‘‘apc’’ is an unarmored truck with no guns or anything only way to get a decent apc with armor and mg is pay 24.99 or have participated in a limited time event where an even better apc with actual support weapons was available.

There are also other problems that came with the merge like the fact that there still aren’t tt para squads and that some veteran players have access to 4+ para squads.

The promised premium squad slot is also still missing even tho it was promised to be added long ago.

I liked enlisted in alpha and even later it was a nice less grindy game to enjoy when WT was in content luls or to relax form its atrocious grind… Now enlisted is an even worse grind with worse mm, worse rewards and even more FOMO events.


I did not know this was a thing … my oh my … that would have changed a ton of the perception if this was used.

an apology doesn’t mean anything, if you don’t listen

it wasn’t some of the player base but a majority, this was an predicable outcome
if you want this not to happen again, the actually listen to our feedback

don’t shoot yourselves in the foot

at least acknowledge it next time or the same mess will happen again


and deleting my replies and blocking me from posting for reasons that don’t make sense (to me)
wont work