Suspending Early Access on Steam

It’s one of the greatest examples of American Capitalism working successfully, but yeah it’s way too much for some sugary coffee

Edit: they did kill our local coffee shop my sister used to work at though…shop local people. It’s better for your town/city/village/whatever have you

Are you serious? Just open Reddit, Steam, or even read your own forums.

He meant in the threads relevant to the issue, which were all overwhelmingly insults and threats

Here is a super basic one that would drastically improve the game.

Give us another Japanese Paratrooper squad!

Instead you guys gave us a worse version of 2 existing premium squads (worse because now I cannot even equip the engineer the way I need it to). You gave us more premium German tanks, assaulters, and machinegunners…the three most populated premium squads in Enlisted demographics. meanwhile, there is only one Japanese Paratrooper squad that was an event that many of us didnt get a chance to obtain because of technical issues during that time of the event.

Is that constructive enough?


I think the Japs got plenty enough without adding in paratroopers to all the wallet warriors currently piling on them will certainly abuse. Thanks. Pacific is bad enough

Lol, Victory farmer is not having fun because he has no paras :(((

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nah. it’s a good time to grind japan for once. ( technically, twice, but i missed the first time )

but unironically, only the allies spam paras.

so perhaps japanese premium paras could be an idea.



Since merge, BR4 Japanese were just farming bots. And it gets even worse after recent major update.

I hope they introduce soviets vs japs as soon as possible.


Tbh, Another Japanese paratrooper squad prem or otherwise would be nice.

Whoever on the team came up with this kitten soldier can now apply for a raise. I can feel this picture. It melts my heart.
Carry on guys, mistakes happen. Good thing you react and try to correct them.


Tbh, I don’t think the Japanese vs soviets would be enjoyable.

I think it would be FED/PPSH-41 spam with only the type hei being there to really equal it out past maybe the TA smg.

The soviets would have better SMGs, Worst or equal rifle maybe, Better tanks tenfold, Equal aircraft if not slightly worst off.

If the Japanese are going to fight the soviets, They will need alot better stuff in between B.Rs.
Which would probably make US even more angry.


Obv, more stuff will be added to Japan.

Imagine they would come up with new campaign without new equipment, lol

Japan vs Soviets are necessary for MM reasons. All faction should have 2 opposing factions.

Plus this game isn’t only about BR5.


I’m talking about alot more upgrades to equal up to the soviets… B.R 1-3 would be pure soviet victory. which the issue would be more buffs to low B.R japan would make US “weaker”

B.R 3-5 would be annoying and not worth playing.


As USSR would rip apart B.R 1-3 japan with just B.R 2


Completely made up nonsense.


The soviets have the winchester.
the soviets have the PPS-43
the soviets have an M1 bazooka.
The soviets have T-50.

All of these would easily make B.R 1-3 Japan just unenjoyable.

Hell this stuff makes B.R 2 soviets quite strong vs Germany as is.


This is calls for better anti-air weapons, like engineer-built AA cannons. Maybe you should revise the change from the past where they were nerfed from 4 to 1 barrel, with super-quick overheat. I suggest this: Engineers I can build 1-barrel AA, Engineers II get 2- and 4 barrel AA guns, or 1-barrel 37mm or 40mm guns. This way the AA in early tiers will not be OP, and AA on higher tiers will be strong enough to incentivize engineers to shoot down top assaulter planes.
Just don’t nerf the HVARs, please. Please don’t. I will respect it when I’m shot down with a single 40mm Bofors round - it seems realistic. I surely won’t accept my Thunderbolt being nerfed into oblivion, after all the exp gained in sweat fighting on the Allies’ side without any serious assault rifles.

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You have clearly no clue what are you talking about.

And acting like bazooka is better than japanese AT launchers xD wow

btw. show me soviet BR2 semi


My brother in christ.

The Type 5 doesn’t even have sights.
The type 4 does but is weaker.

But I guess it’s not as bad as I thought.


Japenese just need better tanks (for example move chi nu from BR4 to BR2 where it actully belongs) and maybe better bomb loadouts for some planes

Otherwise they are pretty equal. Plus do not forget lunch mines are no longer bugged