Suspending Early Access on Steam

yea it is an interesting system since that mean we can get other small nation like romania that fight for germany


I want this One because Is the italian Sherman, It served mostly in the italian army after the war

Isnt that too much work and would look crowded though?

Add a Botton for switch tech tree

I don’t even know what you’re talking about?

I love the paratroopers, and I think they are great fun. That being said, I believe they need some limitations, similar to aircraft. My suggestion is a maximum of two units in play at the same time for each side, with a 30-second delay on match start before they can deploy.

As they are now, I find them too powerful. In some games, the enemy deploys 3+ paras from the beginning, behind enemy lines, making it extremely challenging to defend against the attack. I often lose 2-4 soldiers in my first squad before reaching the defense point after creating a spawner. Additionally, the spawner gets destroyed because the paras see me placing it while they drop.


Wait, what? That never happened to me since the beginning in 2021. I’m rather surprised that ghost shells were not mentioned on this list. Even after some of the latest patches (where it said that hit registration has been improved) it is still a frequent thing to see the enemy flinching with no damage after getting shot to the chest.

Darn man I want it so bad. I would LOVE to use one of the rarest guns in US military history. One so rare no one even knows it exists

No. Walking out of the building is suicidal. Besides, do you suggest to just accept the bug and live with it like it’s part of the gameplay? I don’t even have words for this.

i mean it super rare even in enlisted tbh i only know it existed cause it appear in titan rise event and then i manage to nab it from a dead US player and that it only 2 instance that i encounter it (wish more founder use it tbh it a pretty decent gun)

Especially since it was posted before the merge. Now the players that choose “play any faction” are even more helpful in filling the queues than before because it sends you to one of 4 nations, not one of 2 that were in one campaign.


Sucks that last gen consoles were so late to the game. I’d love to have the chance to buy it

Why all of them are IC and not a single one is VC? Duh

whoever gave names in the editor to stuff is actually either wannabe funny, or drunk as hell.

you have no idea how many errors there are. both in terms of spelling, or miss-naming things :joy: .


Good to know. :relieved:

Maybe just a toggle switch instead of a whole new set of soldiers? Just a button to switch between getting a Brit/Italian or US/German?

Wouldn’t mind if this rule was strengthened a bit. I’m all for more historical accuracy if the sacrifice is +30 second waits for matches


Dang way to piggy back off of what I literally just said. Lol

I just noticed Veekay45 already asked. My coffee brand is not as powerful…

Also, quite sad they DON’T want to let us choose.

One question if you’re still awake and kicking (tell me what is your coffee brand by the way, I’ll buy some)

While we are discussing future points to be (or not) released… What is the opinion of devs about being able to CHOOSE, when we hire new soldiers, their nationality? Like a toggle, to select British/ Usa and Italian / German? All of them come with unique faces presets, and most importantly, voices. Since everything is already in game, I recon it wouldn’t be too hard to implement? What are devs position about it?

Edit: I’ve read it’s because devs don’t want to fill the shop too much. So, I propose this:

  • a toggle. Ger/Ital, USA/Brits. Very simple, the rest of the shop remains entirely unchanged.

What about it?
Thank you.


More of a sweet tea guy myself. Coffee’s a rare thing for me. Got a Starbucks in town fairly recently and it’s alright. Sucker’s EXPENSIVE though….and now I kinda want some. Lol. Didn’t grab a poptart before work and I’m a little hungry

Starbucks is a big scam. It’s in the name. It’s function is to make big bucks. That reaches the stars.

I brew my own coffee, or black tea as I’m a teaboo, ofc.