Suspending Early Access on Steam

@James_Grove do you guys have any premium time sale planned when the game comes back to Steam? I thought we would get one with the closed access release. Also are you guys planning to bring in any big streamers and organise some Twitch drops? The marketing seems to be really off as of late.

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yea i tell ya M2 Hyde is pretty decent and the best thing is it probably a br3 gun or maybe br2 even

and i would buy that thing since it look good imo

We planned some and suggested some of them, but sadly devs are quite busy with some important stuff that i can’t say yet.


But as long as you keep putting noobs against BR3 daddies, they won’t stay and playerbase won’t grow.
It’s a vicious circle.

How is it ok though?
Yellow Pz IV J in snowy Moscow but white Pz 38t in sandy Tunisia?

Literally every WW2 game has turret numbers and crosses/stars.
Even BF1942 from 2002. Twelve years ago.
Even all planes in Enlisted have this.
Just put a balkenkreuz and “123” on my Tiger texture.

But can I at least get an option to not be at a disadvantage in Tunisia with my Volkssturm squad wearing grey uniforms instead of dark yellow?

Add a “change soldier nationality” option then?
Currently it’s simply impossible to get an Italian assaulter.
It’s always better to have an option than not to have it.
Maybe for you it isn’t important but for others it is.

How is it enough to have German medbox for USSR? Or American ammo box for the Japanese?
I can draw the textures for free literally.

How does it work? There has been zero information about it.

The main point is to offset Stalingrad removal from BR 3-5 according to common sense and history.

It’s been about a year since it was posted, high time we saw something.

So let’s say I was about to unlock IS 2 1944 but then you add KV 1 zis and now I need to both research and buy KV 1 zis first, how is that proper?

And what about this?


I dont see “Answered above”. Pls repeat. This is very interesting question about your greedy. Important for me, of course.

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@Veekay45 cho on otvetil po povodu premov?
I just dont see he’s massage.

With all due respect, DF wasted time and resources on useless stuff no one wanted or was not needed at all.
The best example are drop tanks. It was only made for two factions and for four planes (actually two since these planes are essentially the same), which are all premium and event squads and were never used beyond that. Nobody was asking for them, too, and no one used them ever since because the fuel tanks are freaking useless.
Totally wasted.
So I don’t see how a couple of unlockable decals are screwing over the entire workflow but these overpriced Steven-Seagal-physics fuel tanks are not.

Make folders/ subgroups.


The stuff keeping Devs busy:

Idk, maybe adding a normal non premium Churchill is again “too much work”, just like putting a cross and a number on my Panther tank by default.

i just wanted to buy it :frowning:


sure is


Second its just firefly without camo.
The first one Churchill added for a long time ago in mod.editor, and there are no guarantees that it will be free


there are 3 versions of the firefly:

( technically 4. the base vehicle, the premium, and the other two non premium without tracks )

it’s still there sitting in the editor with other dozen vehicles.

it makes no sense introducing new ones when we have older & unused ones.


Maybe they are waiting the differenzation between US and UK


is that really necessary?

“Hey ChatGPT, draw me a cute apologetic kitty wearing a US WW2 helmet. Also make sure the helmet is historically accurate or players will get mad.”

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Yea, otherwise all the UK stuff are foldered under US stuff, or you are gonna use UK stuff only with american squad, honestly we Need a subfaction sistem like @coldestwinter_ posted time ago


problem is, both uk and italy ( more italy ) do not have end tier stuff.

resulting in being hard locked and needing other items from other factions ( such as, panzer IVs and even panthers for italy )

so it’s best if they stick with the main faction.
plus, it is nice having mixed units if one desires to do so.
and not being forced to split them.

after all, you can go with only italian or germans stuff with this system or keep them mixed.
however, with things splitted you won’t be able to mix them together.

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Nothing prevents them from adding Churchill, Firefly, Valentine now and subfoldering them into UK folder later (though without fake br5 stuff pls).

Firefly can be even differentiated by VC and IC versions for premium and non premium.


I never Sayed split
 I Just sayed add subfaction, so allies and axis can get more nation squad and more nation stuff, but they count Always as US and Ger

I mean dont hurt