Suspending Early Access on Steam


Btw, why Normandy and Ardennes able for 1-3 br?



  • BR 3-5 removed from Stalingrad, or an option added to not be sent there (insta quit anyway)
  • BR ±1 matchmaking introduced (or at least BR1 not vs BR3)
  • Disable users decals and decorators display option added (client side like in WT)
  • Automatic adaptive camo for all vehicles introduced (purchased camos bound to biomes)
  • Standard faction decals and turret numbers with limited positions and sizes, unlockable through gameplay, introduced for all vehicles
  • Standard issue uniforms added for Premium/Event squads outside of “native” biomes (Moroccans get standard US uniforms in Normandy, Volkssturm gets standard Wehrmacht uniforms in Tunisia, etc.)
  • Option to select the nationality of purchased soldier added (US/UK, GER/ITA)
  • Faction specific AT guns added for all sides (even if just reskins), scalable with high/low BR
  • Faction specific ammo boxes and med boxes added
  • Standard truck added for Germany (Opel Blitz or Mercedes L3000)
  • Non-premium versions of Churchill, Firefly, Valentine (different gun/ammo) added for Allies
  • Improved matchmaker logic that tries to send Crusaders to Tunisia and LVT to Pacific but not vice-versa
  • New maps added for high BR USSR vs Germany to offset Stalingrad loss
  • Make engineer squads or a single engineer I each squad the default loadout for upcoming Steam players. Don’t teach them useless engineer-less and sniper-focused behavior from the start
  • Fat XP bonus for “play any faction”
  • Research of whole line no longer required if the previous and following item is unlocked (KV zis moment)

So any planned change for HVAR spam in the Pacific? It is way worse than Tunisia. What about Arden and Seelow maps? All contain wide open fields. See, the problem is not about maps but plane cycling. If there is no restriction on vehicle spawning, no map is ever safe from rockets and greyzone camping.


why? when i have clear LOS towards tank and i have cover of building there? btw i wasnt even aware of the bug then, but when i posted on forum someone told me it has been there from start.

Well, we pass it to devs, it’s all i can say.

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Not planned.

Answered above, not possible in foreseeable future.

Not planned, current system is okay, but gonna pass it again.

No, it’s huge amount of work and i can only remember a few game mods who have it in some very hard way.

This one is getting improved by the time and when outfit artists have done a proper research and improvements for it.

Will pile up soldier shop space too much, thats why it’s isnt presented for now.

We forwarded that problem, but it’s all i can say rn.

Don’t any point to do so, current ones is enough.

If devs decide that is needed, they will do it, this decision is fully up to them. I think 1 apc in tech tree for germany is enough, as for every other country as well.

Answered above.

We already have soft rule for something like that.

Devs constantly adding some different missions and huge new locations.

We already provided some engineers on the start for them, sadly it’s wasn’t enough, but it’s not for me to decide what will be changed in tech tree.

Already in plans, keo and other comrades told about it multiple times.

Rn it’s a proper mechanic that will stay, in future it might be changed but not for now.



To the suggestion of nerfing HVARs in Pacific, I would attach game statistics, so it would look more fun.

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We sent our personal CM team replay when we played in pacific on 5 br to devs… well it was… really enjoyable experience and good example to forward some suggestions.

Any plans to make premiums reasonably priced,€125 for the deluxe bundle are just insanely overpriced. (€125 without the 20% off right now)

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Please pass on that vehicle cycling/ tank greyzoning, plane suicide-spamming is still a massive issue and has been since 2021. The US and Japan factions do not have a reliable counter for their infantry either, as their AT launchers and AT Guns cannot do anything against King Tigers/Ho Ri and Jumbos that are camping in the grey zone, respectively

Spawning a tank or plane to kill them does nothing because they will simply just spawn another vehicle to camp or cycle. This issue needs addressing.

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You didn’t sleep AT ALL!


I’m struggling getting up with coffee…


Sleep is for weaklings. You are getting old, Joe…


Old and wise. Wisdom and experience thaught me that:

Pulling an all nighter and going to work in the morning is soul crushing.

I need more coffee…


It was a session that we played a few weeks ago, sadly im not having so much time as i had before to play as much i want.

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We addressed that in few feedbacks before, it’s all i can say for now.

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Are there any BR changes in the works? Or at least weapon/vehicle BR shifts? It’s been a while and I thought there would be more tweaks to the BR system gradually, considering the merge is new.

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dam didnt know Euthy can be this fierce

I think that’s the issue. Where was it addressed? I didn’t see it. None of my friends playing it saw it. This statement tells me nothing and is not reassuring.

I strongly recommend a weekly/bimonthtly “What we are working on” post on forums/reddit. It doesn’t have to drop then, but allowing players visibility to see what the dev team is trying to fix, and what we can expect, would be greatly preferred to the current communication. A great example of this is Project Zomboid. They have weekly updates where they show the progress towards their next build. It’s taken years and the majority of the player base are still fine with waiting because they have transparency


Oh, not that. I meant I went to sleep you were on forums answering questions hours ago saying it’s 5am already.

I wake up, you’re still answering questions :sweat_smile:

Only question of mine, about future:

  • I’ve read, with great sadness, that no more br queues are planned (I personally believe it is a mistake, not to). Will there be something done to protect newcomers when Steam opens up?

And perhaps

  • Following what just happened, could it be considered to open up Steam client to everyone WITHOUT them having to pay a pack? It does seem like a better wwy, to me.

Thank you for your work.