Suicidal CAS needs to be punished severely

lets say that you manage to intercept first plane? how do you exactly destroy enemy that in 20 seconds has another plane? you will easily run out of ammo fast and then that player can just easily kill you and you are again powerless cause you can be either f2p with 1 vehicle slot or premium user with 2 vehicle slot (with e.g. tank and plane )

yay spawn camping… replace one abuse with another

havent met that someone in any of the games…

Myrm1don and many others have been asking for airfield mechanics in order to make air play more realistic/ immersive/ balanced

As well I’ve suggested heavy AA to be included back at BR3-5 for enginners (along with heavy AT) and air rearm to be placed further in high BR matches + 1 min air timeout after loosing an aircraft.


There’s alot that can be done here at little developer cost or more immersion can be added with heavy quad barrel AA/airfield mechanics for plane enjoyers.



Airfield is bad and will either make far less players play air or increase suicide bombing.
If I have to fly back everytime and land to rearm and take off and fly back and repeat, I would also commit FLAG03ing all the time. I have better things to do than wasting 5min just to get new ammo.


I suspect airplane players would prefer an airfield for immersion/ repair reasons.

Again this can be done together with a increasing say 1min air timeout for loosing an aircraft. Bad plane players would max end up flying 1-3times in a match.

Theres nothing here that cant reward positive flying charcteristics.

Personally I want powerful late war air machines but I dont want them to be completely broken. Further rearm point or airfield and block on kamakaze activity would likely be very welcome by the community

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People who still come with immersion, are dumb at this point.
And we already tried it with carriers and people didnt fly back to repair 9/10 times.

Still less time than the whole airfield mess.
I already know that tankers will love this airfield mess.

Ah a new term for suicide plane cycling, i like it (FLAG03ing) much shorter to write :smile:

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If u think players are dumb for liking things they like… :man_shrugging: we can end it there :handshake:

desert you are replaced by a bot 50/50
if you desert from team a they hate you on team a
if you desert from team a they love you on team b
if you suicide bomb rotate planes while playing on team a
you cause team b to desert
you are now hated on team b for causing desertion
then team a when people start revolver suiciding on team b
so yes it is worse

also you can only desert the same match once you can suicide many times

I think I also said more but who cares because I said one bad word. Ekk ekk ekk!

Immersion in a game where Volkssturm soldiers are running around gunning down commies armed with WW1 weapons and protos with FG42s is really crucial and should be top priority!
Also immersion is subjective…


well there is already AI AA. just try to fly near enemy carrier… think that this could be ok for protecting air spawns from enemy spawn camping.

cause it is game mechanic abuse. something close to cheating but allowed by game mechanics.

people are not mad at people crashing plane and suiciding once. people are mad cause of specific plane suicide cycling tactic.

tell me how is this exactly toxic? if you desert prematch there is very high chance that player will be replaced by another human player. if you desert cause of roflstomp, player staying there wont change anything.

complain about toxic elements that make match unfun and that cause people to leave:
victory stacking/farming
plane suicide cycling
forcing shit maps/modes

Is it really AI? I always considered it as some sort of mechanism because they always one-shot you (at least from pleb view).

well tbh i havent really checked. i thought it was AI with aimbot :stuck_out_tongue:

Same as deserting

when i refer to deserters, i do not count prematch ones, only ones with link, that left after starting.

You all who have issues, should be doing this, in forum, instead of making countless threads asking for stuff

Deserting is the symptone of problems such as suicide bombing cycle. If it wouldn’t exist, less would desert.


have you missed countless topics about people constantly asking for new MM cause of victory stacking/farming? there are at least 3-4 topics about plane suicide cycling that i remember (probably a lot more exist). also map/mode choice has been asked numerous times on forum.

Anyways, I remember a old mechanic from OBT I think where bombs wouldnt cause damage if the plane died shortly after it dropped the bomb.I think it got shadow-removed eventually for reasons I can only imagine.
Yeah, it wouldnt solve issues with rocket suiciders but I think it should be tried again.

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This is just not right,
u assume people only leaving, because of the myriad of reasons they come up, with because of things they don’t like in a game.

When it actually goes deeper to the manipulating, of rankings, to also desert

I know, but because DF don’t address it, people decide to be a child and just desert,
and i am left, with the after math, of each game i play, were its affected by deserting
and i am not one with issues in a game,
you all have the issues, if DF isnt going to fix it, you just all desert, everyday?

Well, I assume because people wrote it on the forum.
Toxic gameplay abusers, MM imbalance and shitty maps and modes were the top.

That would mean people really care about ranks beyond rewards.

this is not job. if people dont find match fun(primary reason for playing the game) they are free to leave the game. you are also not obligated to stay in the game if you find it shit.

if you shoot a gun or throw a grenade and die before it lands it travels back to where the player threw it from, return to sender
so medium and heavy bombers have to be armed in bombers not sure about fighter bombers, so make a mechanic that you have to arm the bombs then they have to be released then can only detonate a certain time after release in which the plane has to be alive

so like this, i see target, i arm bombs, i begin dive, i release bombs, they fall and hit and blow up after that i can do whatever i want

set up b i try to plow into the ground with my payload, bombs do not go off but i spill some fuel do a small amount of fire damage to a small area