Suicidal CAS needs to be punished severely

I’m sick and tired of CAS players (especially premium players who can swap between planes forever) who don’t do anything but headbutt straight into the ground with rockets and bombs and get away with it again and again and AGAIN. No spawn cooldown. No suicide penalty. No consequences to them whatsoever. CAS needs an overhaul. Right now it’s just too powerful with this abuse. Severe punishment should be adopted. Like, If you commit CAS suicide more than a certain amount of times (4 - 5 should be more than enough) in a match. You’ll be instantly kicked from a match. That should provide a much better gaming experience for everyone. Even though I want the punishment to be a lot more severe, I’m just gonna leave it there.


CAS itself needs a redesign.
Resupply points should be closer but bombs and rockets need delay between attacks to force players to do multiple attack runs.


I say you have to eject from the plane, land safely and make it back to your side or wait a minute while a new pilot is born, trained and given a new aircraft, kamikazes were limited to the Japanese and outdated aircraft, and maybe the navy? Yes the Germans had strengthened planes but they ran into bombers and jumped out before.

That’s a good idea. I think adding an airfield as another way of rearming might Improve the situation as well. You could land a plane to rearm and repair just like in War Thunder.

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lets say im diving to bomb but not suicide cas, then suddenly enemy plane shot and i am definetly going to crash. so if i drop my bomb before i die then i must be kicked out according to your logic ?

You can ask Japan if they would like to be shot down by the United States 10 seconds after taking off.

You should learn how to fight an airplane the same way you learn how to shoot a gun from the ground
Instead of just complaining about the power of the aircraft

You need to learn from those professional volleyers
How to destroy enemies before they fly into the war zone
Or block the rebirth point in the sky
When becoming an infantryman, use the terrain to cooperate with teammates to reduce pressure (unless your teammates are just a group of monkeys without the ability to think and respond)

There is always someone who can easily suppress a suicide plane
But there are more monkeys who only protest but are unwilling to confront

Plane spawn itself need a redesign

  • Spawn should be further back from were is the rearm zone
  • The new spawn zone should work as repair area protected by AA if there is no airfield or carrier for that’s map
  • All plane should air spawn without exception

Maybe more anti-aircraft firepower should be added
For example, build automated anti-aircraft guns and map-preset automated large-caliber anti-aircraft guns.
And air-proof balloons (after destruction, smoke will be produced to block the ground view for 10 seconds)
This will definitely work better than asking an incompetent and selfish monkey to learn how to fight an airplane

I don’t mind if someone can seal off the high-altitude spawn point
Because there are only a few players who are willing to do this

Giving Pacific carrier-based aircraft the ability to reborn at high altitudes
Otherwise, Japan would be almost unable to resist the U.S. military’s aircraft and spawn point blockade.

So in case this means AI AA guns, what is better than reyling on the same AI that can barely recognize enemies in front of them?

AA Artillery was mostly used against bombers and high-attitude targets so I dont know how they help against skilless FLAG03-pilots.

Already have on certain maps and they do next to nothing.

Yeah The problem doesnt see the problem.
Amd big words for a suicide-pilot.

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Love how yo all so offended by suicide planes,
but its ok to constantly leave/desert matches, is way more toxic,
than s1 crashing a plane, at least there in the game playing, not deserting.


Lets add bomb vests and goliath remote mine then

What’s this got to do with, in relation to my above statement
you can ask for what ever you like, i never opposed those things??
also isn’t the vests with USSR faction already?

I heard absurd and wanted to join in


How dare they not to enjoy your toxic gameplay?

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Yes i agree, my toxic game play is staying in a match

so 1 dude cycling planes, is more toxic,
than, when up to 6 people multiple times, decide to desert, a side /matches, because they don’t like the game.

there both abusing the mechanics of game, in my view

i know which i find less toxic


It’s easy to find which is worse:

  • suicide bombing like a talentless turd, CAN CAUSE other ppl to desert, in the hope of finding new matches without such loosers.

  • desertion does NOT cause suicide bombing.



just to be fair, i think it would increase it, due to only having bots, after you deserted.

As for suicide bombing, and bailing, you can all blame twitch’s, when we had to watch stream for event, how many times do streamers us this tactic, blame TECH/Freeman etc

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Bots don’t suicide bomb.

So as per your logic, desertion would REDUCE suicide bombing :laughing:

remaining 4 people might, after 6 people desert.