Suicidal CAS needs to be punished severely

Just chiming in to say the airfield idea was just for take off and repairs. Air ressuply remains the same.

Perhaps i didnt make that clear in post.

So in essence its just the equivalent of putting up to a “minute” spawn delay or lockout on the plane. As in it just takes them longer to get back to strike if they die.

I did a video comparison in that thread and it shows a stuka took a minute longer from ground spawn, than it did airspawn. other faster planes will do it in alot less

Makes it more beneficial to fly back to ressupply as opposed to crashing and spawning again.

Airfield, Spawn lockout, shifting airspawn back. They all affect the time it takes to get back.

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my prediction:

since planes make up a significant amount of premium squad sales and also premium account sales (otherwise no plane cycling), df wont nerf planes by a significant amount, especially since they were nerfed multiple times over the last year.

the smartest thing to adjust is:

increase distance spawn → objective
decrease distance resupply → objective

this way planes have a higher setup cost, making them better the longer a pilot survives and very inefficient for suicide cycling.
basic economical optimizations like this one would improve many important aspects of the game.



And also, shit wont happen if you take into the fact most of what you are crying about comes from premium players. Good luck.

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Ultimately the best things that can be done for air from my experience:

  • increase air spawn distance
  • decrease resupply distance
  • add more carriers and airfields to maps to be able to repair AND resupply (air resupply will still be available)
  • make sure air spawns are protected by some type of AA to prevent spawn camping planes.
  • scale respawn penalty for every plane spawn that crashes shortly after spawning without being damaged by enemy fire.
  • should bring back when bombs don’t credit the pilot if you crash before it explodes. It can still kill, but you shouldn’t get rewards. I know this was a bug, but it was a good “feature” tbh.

that “bug” was the best, and should have been left alone.

It was along time ago, but I also feel like it team killed Aswell (as it was no longer the pilots bomb)

either that or Im just remembering way back when bombs were more lethal and had friendly fire.

I wouldn’t actually mind seeing a cooldown on vehicle spawns … so when one dies, its slot isn’t immediately available … say give it 30 seconds or so before it becomes available again (Call it take off delay or something and let carrier planes have no delay). This would also match the feel of vehicles being in support not as a main line function, without entirely eliminating the vehicle mains.

It could simply have something on the spawn screen such as:

Tank 1: In Use | Tank 2: On Cooldown :23 seconds remain | Fighter: In Use | Attack Plane: Ready

The main downside is people not spawning … to get the slot … so have a 10 second spawn delay before it auto selects the defaulting squad at a default spawn point or something.

It was a bug? I thought it was a good feature… I liked it.

I’d reinstate it for all factions BUT Japan. (Because the Emperor likes it.)


I would like to add that it is not just CAS, tanks have the same problem
I have three tanks in my German BR5 fleet, which means I can deploy two Tiger IIs and one Panther without limit
This is terrible

Unlimited deployment of vehicles is a serious problem that needs to be solved

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Well, you got shot, so you took damage - which means someone got a kill for your crashed plane, so it isn’t really suicide anymore.

I think the reason for that is the rest of the game simply doesn’t support the time loss of risking flying back; also there’s no carrier landing practice.

I don’t understand what the problem is…what plane are you flying? Line up the enemy and shoot him down. Move yourself out of the entry line of a respawn and shoot him down again

Depends on what plane you’re flying and how good of a shot you are. If you get shot down, play a different squad.

Premium players get more than 2 vehicle slots. With the dedicated premium squad slot, it’s even better. I need to buy a premium fighter.

nah… premium players get exactly 6 spots (2 vehicle+4 infantry).

you can pay for extra 4 slots, but they are not included in premium. also +1 slot for premium squad.

instead of telling me how it is theoretically done, how about you prove it that you can intercept all suicide planes before they bomb and crash down? if i go for suicide bombing strat i could easily survive >80% of the time till i release my payload.

I don’t usually have a problem with suicide planes. You’ll see one hit the ground every now and then. I make sure to hit them with at least one round so that when they do that, I get 350 points.

The way you keep that from happening is to have the ground troops move the line of approach to a less predictable path. If they stop getting points, they’ll stop wasting time crashing their planes

I think having airfields to repair would be great, but the pilot limit would need to be raised if they do that. If I can land and repair my plane, I’d very frequently stay in the air for an entire match and no one else would get a chance to fly unless I let them.

yes but also not really. How do you differenciate suicide from bad flying? maps on stalingard and berlin have a lot of building that players sometime can crash into for not paying attention, pulling up late or server lag

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easy if the majority of the time you crash you are getting enemy kills

but then what about server lagging out? I could have a good bomb/rocket placement but then the server lagged and I crash. Why should I get punish for the server error? a better way would be to allow player to bring in 1 attacker and 1 fighter instead of 2 plane of any type and increase the plane rotation (i.e plane → 2x infantry → plane)

If the server has severe lag that cause multiple crash in a match you should have difficulty to even fly properly.

Those player who buy extra slot will complain.

Currently there is no restriction on how many plane you can bring.

Hummmmm, few times ago I was thinking :
‘’ what is plane cycling ? Did I’m a mother’s f##ker when I suicide my plane in order to kill a Grey zone camping tank ? Should I go to hell bcause my german line up consist of 1 premium tank + 1 tank + 3 planes + Apc and inf’? " (I Just use all of those planes when I see goods pilotes against me).

And, this week I’ve played in br V with Japan… :confused:
I ve see 1 Guy with more than 20 deaths at the end (+ lot off kills / vehicule down so hight score) because hé Just spawn in plane, fly to the objectif, hvar + bombs and crash.
All of the time.
Just insame.
I’ve see him on the ground only 1 or 2 times… Rest of the time : brrrrrrrr, hvar/m8 /bombs, boom plane down.

And my AA Guns was too slow to kill him Before he shoots his rrocketts.
And Impossible to intercept Before

So, how can we limit this type off player Who Just ruin the game, but Without penalty for players Who just try to kill grey zone Mother tanker / good enemy pilot ?

More efficient AA gun ? = harder or too hard to play with a plane (=more grey zone camping)
Couldown between 2 planes/ véhicule spawn? Why not, like this, other teamate can use it. But you can counter it by switching between the 2 types of plane’s squads.

Chain suicide bombing happens like once in a blue moon. Babyragers happen in like 50 to 70% of the matches.