Suggestion for queues and Weapon BR’s

I’ve noticed some people have an issue with some of the BR placings and queues in tiers. What about turning the queue into 1-2,2-3,3-4 and 4-5.
Queues for Moscow and Stalingrad for instance would be 1-2,2-3, and 3-4. This should make it that way there’s no great leap between tiers and should make it to where for the low tiers meaning 1-2 and 2-3, there’s mainly low tier smgs and bolt actions. And the 3-4 would mainly be your better smgs and semi auto rifles with better lmg’s as well. However tiers 4-5 should be for Normandy and Berlin. As far as guns go, I’d say nerf the federov’s rpm to 450 and knock it down to tier 4 as well as the mkb, the kiraly and also putting the ppd-40 in the same file as the ppd-34/38 (just like with the t-28’s). Putting the mp717 with the ppd 40 should be a good counter to the ppd 40 as well.

Sidenote: Sorry for the length of the suggestion post however.


No, BR3 should not to play with lower BR, darkflow put too many unbalance weapon and tanks in this BR.Is unfair to use BR1 and BR2 equipment to face BR3

I don’t think this would make it to where it would fight low br. How ever it will fight 2 at the lowest and 4 at the highest. This Essentially is keeping BR 3 from fighting BR 1.

NO, too many thing in BR3 is totally unfair for BR2 ,if you play america and soviet in BR2,they always face 4j and mp40 ,bf110 g2 and Faustpatrone 60, these weapon change the battle and build a wall between lower BR

And you think the t-34, dp and ppSh box mag isn’t enough to counteract those weapons? And besides, the Russians get the pps 42 and 43. IMO are the best tier 2 smg’s.

OK if you play BR3 in soviet. It will definitely be sent to BR5,this question is complex. And now is unsolvable.

Exactly my point. This queue system on my post keeps big leaps in tiers from happening. So someone with tier solely 3 stuff would not ever have to fight tier 5 things.

no one in soviet want to play BR3,they only can play BR2 and america is face much more serious issues than soviet ,they don’t have good guns and good tanks

I also don’t want it to fight against BR2, the gap is too obvious, and many equipment exceeds BR2’s processing capabilities

It wouldn’t only be tier 2. They’d also have to fight guys with tier 3 stuff as well. And I’m pretty sure the US at tier 2 get the grant, best tier 2 tank I think. They also get the stem at tier 2 as well as at tier 3, the m1 garand, lee enfield and both the BAR’s.

Have you ever played with the Soviet Union and the United States in Tier2 since you listed these things? Why do my conclusions after playing BR2 every day differ completely from yours? You really don’t think Grant is a good tank, do you? The anti tank capability of this tank is extremely poor, and the German 3J and 4J can easily kill it, while the Japanese have chiha with Heat in BR2. Any US military playing BR3 will only end up being sent to Normandy and fighting the German BR5. At least the US military equipped with BR3 equipment has never been matched to the Pacific again

And also when I equip lee Enfields and Owens/stens or American steups with m1 garands and bars, I want to fight in Tunisia and the pacific. Not Normandy and Berlin/ KT and STG city.

Full of nonsense, if you really can enter the Pacific and Tunisia, why haven’t I seen any American players with BR3 weapons fighting in my game these days?

Look I’ve fought against soviets at tier 2 and some of those tier 2 soviets put up a fight. And same for the us when they have a stack going for them. Also with the japs, the us at tier 3 do a pretty good amount of damage. However I play with friends I can coordinate with. So to us time we equip tier 2 things and see a tier 3 player on the enemy team, we’re more than able to take them on with bolt actions. And once you outsmart a guy that is at tier 3, you’ll get to notice a lot of them have the IQ and usefulness of a gripless hammer.

And as the japs we actually run into a decent number of tier 3 US players.

I see, these cowards just keep quit battle until they find a battle with japs

And it’s also because of the fact tier 3 have the chance of getting thrown into tier 5 games. The game is split up into 2 tiers rn, it’s 1-3 and then 3-5. That’s why we always notice tier 3’s never getting games like the pacific and Tunisia.

And actually a 4 queue system as the one I suggest would actually prevent more people from quitting their games as they would get the maps they desire from the load out they equip their troops with. Or at the very least somewhat relevant to their gear.

I don’t know your mean but German always gets happy in BR3.

emmm, I was already Invented a better system before Marge Unfortunately, now it’s just a matter of watching people pick up stones and build dilapidated BR shacks on the collapsed ruins