Balance br and the game

the up date merge did what its now its 10x harder to capture bases the normandy campaign the germans have panthers n tigers v shermans and if u donthave ahigh lvl player on your side you will loose every game -

but the troops are Marshall v sgts how a that possible when you fixed the balance in general so far every game has been one-sided these iii----iii clan group wiped out the Americans in less than 8 minutes 149 kills v top score was 34 no one will bother playing this they leave - out classed t due to the weapons mg 42 v rifles n maybe a smg the games are for low lvl players tiheirs s no point people just desert the game -and many more will leave
and tanks withAT and HE rounds do nothing unless your close - range to kill infantry -v tigers for get it but then every ger player has a panzer faust – unless you major or higher games dead to low ranks

stop demoting players - also tanks cant cross a trench and one they get stuck half way cant move have you seen real tanks they can climb out of trenches duh and turret speed is laughable enemy troops can out walk the turret traverse rate lol so if u lined up a shot they already planted explosives remove the tanks their pointless - same as war thunder having bombers point less


Yeah it’s like you actually need a full coordinated group to take on Normandy germans anymore. And it’s even worse if you have tier 3 stuff ready for Tunisia and then you get thrown into a Normandy game. I made a post relevant to this problem but it’s aimed towards eastern front a little more than Normandy.

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This game is not War Thunder, stop using that argument.

Use airplanes, TNT and Bazookas.

And this is why I love when people play the victim card when they complained about t-34’s in Moscow. Because I tried to drilling tips like this into their heads and they still would never take the advice. instead , will choose to drown themselves in their own pity.

Team A: Destroys your tank with his tank, planes, AT launcher from the front and somehow gets to greyzone and use TNT or detpack.
Team B: Destroys your tank with planes, AT launcher unless they are faced frontally with US, planes and somehow gets to greyzone and use TNT or detpack.

Dunno why people always pick more A and less B.

Because its meme.

Yes, because War Thunder maps are not smaller COD maps where people park their tanks in greyzones all the time if they can.