Suggesting new Class as shown in the early alpha of Berlin: Guardsman


I’d like to suggest that a new class be added that the MKB42(H), MP43/1, STG44 and STG45 should be locked to in order to diversify the class system and to keep the amount of highpowered intermediate cartridge carbines and assault rifles to a respectable, healthy amount.

This class would be called Guardsman

Equivalents in other factions:

An equivalent can be set up for the USSR and American side where necessary, but I do not have enough information on their weaponry yet that could be set as an equivalent to the German machinecarbine weaponsystem, perhaps for the russians that would be the Fedorov or AS44 seeing as how the AS44 had 7 prototypes built and the Kalashnikov PPK-42 only 2 that shouldn’t be a problem.


So, Darkflow has already shown us a new class during Berlin testing called Guardsman, they have their own perk akin to Tier 2 flamers right now, additional vitality, which makes them stand out from regular infantry by having 11.3 Health.

Balancing factor and level:

Guardsmen should be a late-game class (perhaps lvl somewhere along lvl 35+) distinct from the assaulter class, that doesn’t carry SMGs, only “Assault Rifles” or the “Maschinenkarabiner” (Machinecarbine) as coined by germany at the time, since the concept of an assault rifle wasn’t yet a thing, aside from the German “Sturmgewehr” which to-date didn’t exactly mean “Assault Rifle” as we call it today.

The Guardsmen Squad should be consisting of 1 up to a maximum of 3 Guardsmen via the tech tree, with a maximum size squad of 5, whereas the last two slots may be filled with 2 Troopers, or one of each special class untill full.
Compared to the Assaulter class with 1 up to a maximum of 4 Assaulters, and 3 special class slots.


maybe they could make the guardsman have the panzershrek to make it like an elite class of soldiers

Another premium one

Is this Guardmans class thing the reason why STG44 appears so late in the Campaign?

we don’t know, though a simpler option is that they haven’t properly made it yet

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For Russians, you can use RD 44

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Perhaps, they may also be extending the campaigns so that people will be inclined to keep playing. If you got an STG44 at lvl 10, would you really want anything else?

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There is yet to be a Tier 2 Squad for Bombers in Berlin, for the sake of accuracy I think its best Anti-Tank work be left to the delegated class.

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that seems fair

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I like the idea, but Fedorov should not be in Berlin. Red Army had no equivalent to the STG series of weapons later in the war, except for the experimental AS 44.


it was on the alpha test.

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i like the idea, just to avoid every single assaulter to have an STG or a mp43 / 44 avaiable .

would resolve a much needed balance looking at current FG42.

but, axis need some balance on current berlin campaign… donno if a single weapon on 1 squad can make a diference.


Yes, I agree with the FG42 issue.

Though thats a topic for other balance threads. As im suggesting a much later, late-game squad.

what i can state, is that shoting around with an stg was an amazing experience in alpha. gun is pure gold.

its the only footage avaiable i know about.
i recall that player name from early stages of this game (and heroes and generals)

(on a side note) on that video you can see how small the first cap point was, most batles would end right there on that map.
it was rare to even see other objectives after that one. axis side was more stronger than currently is.


Mhm, I’ve also played loads of H&G. ( Djerun420 )

so did i ( lobo[pt] )

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so did I (XxReApEr420xX)


lol that nickname . MLG!

so making another class just to limit Germany’s best gun, bruh

i’ve played some H&G, pretty much stopped after chaffee and i don’t really remember my username on it nor could i be bothered to reinstall it