Stop paywalling game mechanics

That they have 5 mg is relative at best, with Enlisted average soldiers life span (especially bot one) you aren’t going fully exploit all 5 mg, 1 or 2 maybe before the squad is wiped out

I would agree if all the bot would take their position and kill all the enemy, but because they aren’t doing this… I’s hard call the squad OP, but I agree with you the gun is very nice

but im not calling it OP tho im just saying it nice not game breaking OP so i will give it an 8/10

Still it’s better than f2p, especially on low BR where you may not use some guns at all before a squad wipe if you are unlucky.

Imo amount of guns + engineer every buildable are the most p2w-ish things about premium squads. They aren’t OP but they are definitely an advantage.

How do you use the mg45 on low BR?

I mean generally premium squads, not only MG45.


Imagine if Rally points were locked behind a paywall…

Every unit type needs to have a regular unlock, otherwise the devs play along the edge of what should be considered “pay to win”.

Also, premium units should never have even the slightest advantage over those regular unlocks - a cool interesting twist needs to also have a downside to it.

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Oh well in this case I would say every event squad is the same, 4 specialist+ enginer


I think he was referring to all premium squad with engineer


Imo all event and premium squads should have “standard” composition (with “standard” buildings and guns restrictions).
They wouldn’t be more powerful (on paper) than f2p counterparts and would gain extra flexibility with additional specialists (also a way to level up f2p soldiers). Everybody wins.

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I wouldn’t call this less OP, lest take the 100 round DP for example:

3x gunner 100 round DP + 2x enginer avt 40 + 1 at gunner avt40 + 1 trooper rifle granade

All you need to do is add 100 round MG to the tech tree and it’s equivalent to a grindable f2p squad.

We already have that

welp i use the RD44 over the belt dp tbh

maybe the maxim tokarev is better? idk havent unlock that

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You get the same firepower 5 mg or 3mg + mixed weaponry, thats why premium squad composition isnt a problem

Oh, I get it now.
Well, maybe it won’t be less OP but imo it’s an overall improvement.

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Well, that’s high BR.
On low BR the best you can get is some BR3 semi auto or rifle grenades.

Of course those guys still die to one shot yada yada but you get the point.

But lower BR usually field 20rd at best

Yeah, but not 5 of them.

The advantage that premium engineer cannot surpass is that it has weapons that engineers should not have.
Has the same assault capabilities as other team members, but can build an AA or AT if you wish.

The best choice is not to have to make a choice

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Mah… Depends from the situation and the gun however