Stop paywalling game mechanics

Yes, there was an event. But if you missed it, they are effectively paywalled.

So you say rocket arty is (potentially) strong and should be limited. And it’s limited by paywalling it.
Sounds like p2w to me. Strong stuff you need to buy with real money.


well like i said above if history repeat itself then we will get 2 event radio rocket squad for US, USSR and German while Japan get 1 event radio rocket squad

False :-1:

Because F2P players will also get access to rocket artillery in upcoming events :boy: :man_red_haired: :date:

Just like paras. You’ve missed the event? Sucks to be you, enjoy paywalled content.

Also it doesn’t change the fact you’ve said p2w practices are ok.


You don’t “get access”. You have to grind nearly every day for weeks to get the event squads. Average player doesn’t want to do that. Get busy with work? IRL stuff happen and can’t play as much? Too bad. Event squads = paywalled same as premiums as far as I’m concerned.

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Dont forget the soviet BR 2 ones are also essentially semi auto snipers, not just radiomen

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What p2w ? :exploding_head:

In squads of assaulters without anti-tank or radio operator ?

Or in fighter planes without +50 % detection range of enemy ? :sleeping:

Almost all event squads are better than premiums.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

In other games (Armored Warfare) players have to pay for an access to events… and even if these games have smaller player base than Enlisted, then developers make the same money.

Horn StG is literally slightly worse MkB but with squad that has predefined perk points.

StG-45 is completely outdated non-meta squad. (With even worse predefined perk points. Perk points of StG-45 squad are ultra terrible)

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You forget what you’ve wrote?


These things are so good that it would be unbalanced for everyone to have them. :speaking_head:
letting some of the hard-working player to get them is okay. :blush:
But if you have money you’re welcome to get the good stuff anytime. :money_mouth_face: :kissing_heart:

Belt DP
BRII armed APCs
Flamethower tanks
Re.2001 CN
Fw 190 D-9
Bf 109 with 30mm secondary

Want more?
An BRII radio squad with 5 semi-auto scoped rifle
and rockets, all the engineer stuff is comming :partying_face:


Belt DP kinda suck imo but i havent try it again after bipod fix so i guess i will try it tomorrow

most of those are meh at best and people just dont use them. only thing i have seen recently from those is Re.2001 CN.


These are meh at best to a point most of BR 2 TT equipment is far better

idk man mg45 is kinda nice and i still use it after i bought it but belt DP tho nah i stop since it just DP27 but 100 round

but like i said havent tried it after bipod fix so maybe i might like it (maybe)

it’s still meh imo, barely use the squad anymore

Nothing a full star 42 can’t do to, especially with the bipod fixed, honestly premium aren’t OP, they are kinda nice, funny to use but not OP

Some are unparalleled in their field

MG-45 best German MG
Belt DP
5x MG + premium enginner can’t be achieved except by paying

BRII armed APCs
An absolute upgrade

Flamethower tanks
Appear at the critical moment and destroy all infantry on the field

BRII hull with BRIII gun

Just like Flamethower tanks, spam rocket at all cost.

Well … not that good now.
Best SPG still.

Re.2001 CN
Don’t need to say anything.

Fw 190 D-9
German high speed fighter with nice loadout

Bf 109 with 30mm secondary
An absolute upgrade

well tbh i only use mg45 squad only because the engy can build basically all building so i dont need an engy squad (and they all arm with MG so yea)

oh and i like their cloth hoodie thing

Are you serious?

Higher RPM
MUCH Faster reload
Lower recoil (both)
slightly lower default dispersion
35% dispersion on the move
Lower weight
Faster ADS
+50% ammo borrowed from aunt

Basically a 7star MG42

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