Start of the Battle of Stalingrad

Non native, didn’t catched it.

Great reward, I just don’t understand why the Astra 300 is specifically for the Soviets. I found information that 85 thousand units were delivered to Germany during the war. I couldn’t find any information about its use by the Soviet side. It would make much more sense if this weapon were a reward for the Germans. This way, the Astra 300 seems more like, for example, the Breda 30 in the Soviet arsenal. I understand that one could say “It’s a captured weapon,” but then we could just as well have any weapons from opposing sides in smaller quantities.


From reddit helper’s answer:
In 1937–1938 The USSR purchased a small number of Astra 300 pistols from the Spanish Republic. Richly trimmed, they were used as awards. In particular, the People’s Commissar of Defense of the USSR K. E. Voroshilov handed over the M300 of the luxury model to the Soviet military pilots - the son of I. V. Stalin - Vasily Stalin; son of M. V. Frunze - Timur Frunze; son of A.I. Mikoyan - Sergey Mikoyan.

The Spanish Pistol" Astra M.300 Lux " , owned by Vasily Stalin. This elite version of the Spanish weapon was presented to Vasily when receiving the officer rank from Marshal Voroshilov, a great lover and collector of weapons. This unusual pistol was brought to Voroshilov as a trophy by volunteers who participated in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939.


More than 150,000 were made in total, as the gun was quite popular with various military and security agencies in Spain. The majority of production, however, went to German between 1941 and 1944. They purchased 63,000 Astra 300s in .380 caliber and another 22,390 of then in .32 caliber.


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Maybe for you

Just noticed that the Astra 300 Lux is not available to Germany, I feel scammed.
This is so stupid, you are disrespecting historical accuracy, disrespecting the community and worst of all disrespecting all the Axis heroes who and fought, suffered and died in Stalingrad and surrounding areas.
I demand that Axis players receive equal treatment.


I feel like we should have Astra 300 on German side aswell as this Event ‘‘reward’’ weapon for Soviet side. I mean that makes sense.
Astra 300 standard issue for just buying in weapons order for Germans (since were a few of them atleast)
and then this have no problem as a collectors items for Soviets. (I gave mine to one of my BP ‘‘awarded’’ Pilots). <that’s me RPG Historical Immersion right there.

One thing this Event though and others like it you made, why aren’t the event tasks in as in this case Battle of Stalingrad? It would feel more like some sort anniversary if the tasks had to be completed in actually Stalingrad Battle.
So first of should be Battle of Stalingrad event, you have to complete pistol kills etc in that campaign, otherwise I mean makes no sense, just stupid. What is paying respect of anything some japanese dude with auto rifle in Pacific to Stalingrad? eh? As i said nonsense.
second there really should be a collector weapon on German side too.
Since we are ‘‘celebrating?!’’ the start of Battle not either side here.

Events like this and having same time larger overall season events tied to different campaigns is what could have been built upon to have player rotation on different campaigns and new rewards every season that campaign to keep it relevant and having high Player vs player count.
But sadly you just opt for why not just fck up the whole premise of the game huh?!


because it’s not a new pistol infact that exact pistol was a twitch drop for moscow soviets way back in cbt


I think they had the regular Astra for a special event way back, the Soviets get the Astra this time because it’s based on one awarded to Stalin’s son. There’s some very informative posts up the thread.

nope, this is a reused event item from CBT

Joe said Tunisia which could be second best tied with Pacific for pistol kills.

It pains me to say this, but stalingrad is best for this task.
-1 silver for best pistols
-most people/bots play with bolt action rifles
-tons of bots
-cqc maps where pistols shine

Only downside is playing stalingrad


I do Stalingrad Lugers for pistol events. Over in no time

In Moscow? That’s bold!

I maintain Tunisia 1911. But, I forgot I gave Webleys to all my Brits instead…
Still got it in 1 match, and it was hilarious:

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I proved for myself yet again that my life is too busy and stressful for this sort of event to require weekdays.

I simply can’t have fun playing more than a few minutes on a weekday and after the past few weeks, not even that. It’s not fun.

So… I could choose to pay the silly amounts of money for 2 pistols or… move on with life. I just wish they’d accept that some people don’t have the time or willingness to do this on weekdays.


eh i did my pistol task on a single Normandy allies match.

1911 and hi-power never fail to deliver.

as for the reward, yes we had it in the past:

but its a sexy weapon! highly recommendable to own.

i m still waiting for more p08 platinum ! They (for me) were the best twitch drop pistols!

so good looking! maybe one day!


And, with respect, I wonder about the logic of players like you as an alpha tester and this only feeds that. I mean no disrespect. I generally agree with your opinions and respect your experience. But I don’t see you as a typical player - currently or ever (I’ve run into you in matches). You see this event as fun and easy on weekdays. I’d rather punch myself in the face. I love the game and play a lot. Weekdays are tough. Weekday events pretty much rule me out (married, kids, 30 employees and a very full calendar with travel). I think the idea is that people like me will pay for the awards, but at the prices for this event? For pistols? Hard to consider.


This event feels like a bad joke to be completely honest.

*Pistols are barely useful as is, many players don’t even bother equipping them on their soldiers.

The reward for using an item that most people don’t use in the first place is a GOLDEN version of that weapon, that can only be equipped by Soviet armies…

  • *The usage of pistols would be justified if we were able to use them when knocked in order to defend ourselves. Instead, our only option is to blow ourselves to bits with a grenade… because THAT makes sense but trying to use a pistol to survive and heal doesn’t???

You did that with Webleys, and I’m the bold one?! :joy: Congrats!

I had to finish maxing out Moscow Axis, so now Moscow Allies is the only faction I’m missing. But I don’t think I’ll make it in time for the merge.

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I understand you.
But to receive the “best” price (pistol) one only need to do 20 pistol kills right?..

i dont think that is too much for a match :confused: even for a casual player.
in my honest opinion.

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