Start of the Battle of Stalingrad

On July 17th, 1942 one of the most important battles of the Eastern Front – the Battle of Stalingrad - began.

This battle was crucial for both sides. For the German troops Stalingrad was of both strategic and ideological importance: its favorable location would make it possible to turn Stalingrad into a logistics center that would allow launching an offensive in the North Caucasus, and because of the symbolic name of the city its capture could severely damage Soviet morale. Realizing this, after months of constant retreat, the Soviet command threw all the reserves available at the time into the defense of Stalingrad.

From July 17th (13:00 UTC) to July 21st (13:00 UTC), you can get rewards for completing thematic tasks in the event!


1x order for vehicle upgrade

1x order for vehicle upgrade

Destroy 3 tanks.

10x Appearance change orders

Kill 35 enemy soldiers of the Rifleman class.

1x Astra 300 Lux pistol order

1x Astra 300 Lux pistol order

Kill 20 enemies with a pistol.


You can get two Astra 300 Lux pistols in the event. Each gun is worth 2 orders. You can purchase rewards for the orders in the Battle of Moscow, Battle of Stalingrad, and Battle of Berlin campaigns for the Allied side.


  • Tasks can only be completed in Squads mode.
  • The tasks reset every day at 13:00 UTC.
  • Event tasks can be completed simultaneously.
  • Event rewards can be obtained every day.

The pistol works great and the kids are happy~


My darling pistol
I love My first astra300, but 2 Astra


Oh boy another pistol kill event.

The next few days are going to really funny to play and I am all here for it. 1911 goes brrr.


I love those mini events, keep em coming.


Do you mean we must shoot 35 riflemen, OR use a rifleman to shoot 35 soldiers?

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Based. Based. BASED. SPASIBO!


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Pacific Allied “rifleman” with the M2 Carbine it is.


-Loads pistol with profiting intent-

  • And I just bough 40 hi-power and 10 more 1911 (already had a bunch)…


i hope its strong too
edit: 80 pistol kills is excessive, reduce it to 10 per token, which is already hard enough for most players.

I flipped from my chair when I read Astra 300 Lux reward.
Really nice reward. I will get my pistols ready and complete the ask asap.

Getting one more pistol wont add any value to my account.
I am not bother completing it.

really? no sale like the d-day anniversary? I want to buy the dicker max

Plot twist,

In the future DF goes more arcade and releases a dual pistol wielding class…

Joke aside, this is one of the most beautiful collector piece in Enlisted, and it’s practically given for free (20 pistol kills is a breeze with 1911)…

Don’t tell me you’re unhappy about it, now that’s silly.

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To get 25 pistol kills. You are about to eat X for at least dozens minutes.

And it’s easily doable in a single match, without much effort.

Plus, you can even have fun fooling around doing this task, it’s genuinely funny.

Unlike the grind that is amass 12k xp per day, which turns ppl into sweat adepts.

So, I’m genuinely curious, why are you unhappy about what is clearly a gift?


Your loss.

Then proof you can complete it easily with one match.

More than half players cant reach 25 kills within one match