Start of the Battle of Stalingrad

Use a 1911 in Tunisia.



As long as you give a handgun to each soldier and use it, it is not that difficult to score enough kills to complete the task in 1 long match, or in 2 shorter ones.


Why not make use this orders to buy pistols on both side? Previously I had them earned yet was unable to spend them on things in shop. Yoy say Stalingrad was important propaganda battle, why not make us available to exchange tokes for other nations such as Japan Germany or USA/Brits… These are the same tokens, just switch one thing in that shop.


Something has changed on ps5, not sure if intentional or bug, all squad member (not in my squad) are blue (used to be white unless a squad member in my current group of friends), also any deployable (AP is now blue). Before only people in my group and their squad were blue, rest of the players were white triangles?

I asked some of my PC players they say everything is blue and has been for a while, before on ps5 it was very easy to distinguish group squad member against other players in team, please revert this, unless intentional…

@James_Grove Hello, is this a bug or intentional?

Why is there so many events for the allies and not much for the Germans where’s our events where’s our shiny stuff and where’s the art for the Germans and Japanese and the Italians.

Not everyone wants to play the allies the Japanese and Italians and Germans exist too
This is just getting very stupid why is there so much bias I know it’s a Russian game but still give some stuff for the Germans and some art as well


Actually there was some events. Last time I remember there was Katanas to exchange for tokens.

That doesn’t count too much especially with the back-to-back Allied events and they have more art than us as well

You could just have said “Please Devs, I crave a German event pistol”.


Well. I’ve checked last event drops and they were mostly allies.

February 2nd Soviet Portrait and 100% booster.

March 2nd Engineer’s Day hammer for each campaing, portrait for everyone and decor.

March 13th. Reinforcements squad both sides, polish wz. 35 for Axis and Sholokhov ATR (German Mauser T-Gewehr based) 3 mortars for USA and gold order

Battle of Königsberg April 6th.

Silver orders, and some upgrade orders.

April 21th Berlin operation. Some silver orders, appearance and Soviet medic portrair.

crème de la crème
Victory day May 5th
Of course there can’t be other than that but to give red pps42. Flakpanzer 1 and some truck with 25mm AA gun. At least this time we were able to exchanged them for sabres for any campaign.

May 26th Armed Forces Day

Some silver orders and 2 Tokens for Nickel Plated Colt.

June 15th Operation Battleaxe.
Some silver orders and vehicle upgrade.

July 4th U.S Independence Day. Weapon upgraade order and appearance orders and 2 U.S pin-ups.

And todays mini-event.

Well I’ve checked them all and must say was confused, I don’t remember any of the pistols available for Axis German nor Axis Japan.

There was some event during Christmas, squads for Japan and Allies etc.

Not to mention Gewehr 98 with extended magazine joke gun xD

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Sounds like you missed it.


Time to use my event japenese riflemen squad yet again, lets farm those bots with Type 14 pistol!

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Thank you for doing all the homework for me and showing how bias this game is but like I said somewhere in my other post before the Germans don’t pay the big bucks the allies do


Missed both during my holiday trip, still Gew98 is hell of a Sniper Rifle I enjoy on Moscow soon on other campaigns but compared to Allied Thompson 1928 .30 is a joke itself, that’s not a snowflake-like cry like they did on Rommel and Yamamoto portraits event.

I got 3 Thompsons in that event, but saved an order for the 25rds BA. Glad I did it. It’s a little gem, devastating in Tunisia.

And that I regret the most, but after merge I won’t be that regretful after all :slight_smile:

What’s the 25RDS BA?

No need to thanks.

Figured that out long time ago. Sad, this game is unique, yet biased so hard that am gonna puke sometimes.




“25rds BA” as “25 rounds Bolt-Action rifle”.

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