Fedor Tokarev's birthday

Could someone show me a picture of the TT pistol ingame?

Small clarification. Can we get two or only one pistol from this event? It says for 6 and 8 tasks respectively. So I am a bit confused.

If so then I apologize for my incorrect statement

2 pistols


Thanks. Appreciate it.

dude we literally had several events with sabers this year, darkflow needs to re-run guns that have never been rerun so far like the MP41(r), luftfaust, and the silver browning hi-power equipable to all factions


What’s the luftfaust or did you mean the fliegerfaust

its called luftfaust in the game so i call it luftfaust here

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Yea besides imo luftfaust is easier to remember than flingerfaust (even tho I guess it just 1 word different)

And the Breda PG, the event Breda PG, the Breda PG Carcano, the Breda PG semiauto, and the Breda PG that wasn’t the Battlepass version.

But also the Breda PG.

And possibly even the Breda PG.

Oh, and did I mention the Breda PG?

Edit: I forgot to add the Breda PG.


Your post lack of pavesi 1942

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Dear ol’ Pavesi is not forgotten. But it is (was) a GO weapon, like the Costa Rican Breda PG with 4-rds burst.

I crave more specimens of the event version.

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thats a gold order, but i would love for them to re-run the g43 kurz and vollmer MKb

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Same, I would also love to pick 2 M2A1 carbines and a Berdan.

I prefer breda pg over fg 42. It is more fun to use and i hope that we will see it return

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Looks very good


tbh it look way better than i thought


Agree, it’s much prettier than I expected. But this is also true for pps-42 red.


What event was that other pistol for?


It was also one Twitch Drop a very long time ago

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