Start of the Battle of Stalingrad

Nah, it’s actually 40 kills per one pistol. If you want both, you have to kill 80 guys with pistol during 4 days.

But it really isn’t hard. I completed all daily tasks during one match in Pacific.
Btw. Allies there really aren’t just bots anymore, I was very surprised.

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I understand the sentiment but I think people shouldn’t hate on pistols. They’re called a sidearm for a reason. They have a niche role. There have been a few times where I’ve been in a situation and I said to myself, “I wish I had a pistol right now”. Once I was fighting this one enemy around a corner back and fourth, and I was preparing to rush him when he creeped right around the corner and took me out with a pistol. I think pistols are fine

Also I think it’s cool to see a past Twitch Drop return to the game so people have more chances to get content, this time having to put in a little work for them. Speaks to how I’m sure lots of content that has come and gone will return one day


Yeah, but it’s better than nothing. And if you think there’s anything else they could release before the merge, you must be very naive.

We are in situation “this event or nothing”. It’s just that simple. According to helper they have completely different plans with old events squad, since it will “way harder to obtain them than it was before”.

If you don’t like this event, just ignore it wait until the merge, lol.

You mean of course platinim.

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so…when will be the update?

I agree that guns are (or should be) important.
But there is a problem, for them to really be a decisive factor in close combat, they should do more damage and, also, not be so expensive, in this way, I am sure, that many more players would buy them and use them and not only in events from time to time.

I found out those pea shooters are really fun to use. I wondered why they cost more than the US revolver that has more power per bullets…

Found out Brits are on Pervitin™ (captured) while reloading them, as they jank 2 rounds in the cylinder at once instead of 1 by 1.

But to really do well with this you need headshots, or the bots (or ppl) will get you before you down them. It’s accurate enough for it, thankfully.

Seriously hope they will revise br ratings for sidearms. Those shouldn’t go up to lvl 5 and like bolties should be compressed in the 3 first tiers, imo.

Yeah. There’s just no point in giving high BR to pistols. While I was typing this, I realized there actually is ONE point, from the company’s standpoint: forcing us to buy multiple sets of pistols from different BRs.


Who th ever felt forced to buy pistols?

Technically speaking new players won’t have acces to pistols at all so placing them at BR above 2 or 3 may have some merit.

Though bth proposed tech “”""""""“tree”""""""" was probaby made by rng.


Time to read

I understand why he said that: He is mislead. Axis Germany did indeed get thousands of the astra 300 pistol from Spain.

Where he’s mislead, is that this model here, is the astra 300 LUX.

Those were truly given as reward to Soviet soldiers/officers who performed well.

Which mean this event is in truth… historically accurate in that it’s the Soviets who get it, as it should.


So what?
I already read it, but this is simply retarded.
Astra 300 is a Spanish gun sold to the Wehrmacht and dont tell me its one of kind special pistol because its clearly not since you can claim two for any campaign with the Red Army.

this has nothing to do with Stalingrad

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You know, I wasn’t talking to you. I made my response to the devs post so that the devs would read it and hopefully take note that pistol events really aren’t helpful.

I’m not naive. I know their main focus is on the merge, and that they are trying to buy themselves time.
I also know that there are numerous other weapon types that they have plans for. Not to mention the officer swords and such they bring in from time to time.
My point is that PISTOLS specifically are a very poor reward choice, especially when it can only be used by one army.


Damn, I didn’t realise it was for soviets :frowning_face:

Sad axis main noises

At least I can get a ticket for future. I hope. Yes?


This here, isn’t a regular astra 300… it’s the astra 300 “lux”.

You can rant about history, but at least know it right…

Mmmh I dunno, because of the upcoming war thunder currency conversion…

Next we could get some of those beautiful silver lugers again… works of art.

I’ve never get enough of those.

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you misunderstood me from the start, Im complaining because this has nothing to do with Stalingrad and also the lack of reward for Axis.

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Be patient, friend.

Last time we got the gorgeous chrome 1911.

Now the splendid astra lux.

Who says we won’t get that beautiful p08 luger masterpiece next?

All this “tickets” is for different events.