Stalinium body armor is an unfair advantage

Hes not a soviet main, we played some axis matches together in the past, even with grey parrots.

What a weird team up. Was fun.

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You are right, 1 more bullet isn’t much, and overall makes close combat fights with SMGs still have a very fast time to kill.

  • however, it is non the less an advantage, while it doesn’t effect STG syle damage in close combat, it makes weapons like MP40 need one more round to kill, which is already a small mess when MP40 needs to compete with PPS43 at the same BR.

The biggest issue however is that it also makes G41 and other early semi autos AND FG42 need one more round to kill. This is a massive advantage.

I mean it still should make you survive one MP40 or pistol round to the head right?

I can still see this having an effect, there are a couple of player who like hip firing with slow rate of fire SMGs specifically for headshots, because of one hit kills. If every soldier of the same faction had this helmet, such part of gameplay would no longer exist.

Also people need to understand, that an advantage that is not gamebreaking, is still an advantage.

I honestly don’t understand if you are being sarcastic right now.


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Again, how many people with body armor are you encountering in BR2 matches?

From my perspective, something like vitality perk is far more of a pay to win thing, while being cheaper. Getting a vitality perk per soldier costs like ±100g (if you already have upgraded your squad), while giving a much bigger bonus.

Body armor is just an incredible non problem in the context of everything else in the game.
In BR2 matches you’ll be far more likely to meet people who don’t even have a single EP than people who bought body armor in significant numbers.

I think, to certain people it feels just unfair that only one specific faction has body armor (and it’s not their favorite faction). If that wasn’t the case, they wouldn’t cry about how p2w it is.
Upgrades for weapons and such are great example. They’re extremely overpriced to the point post merge new f2p player can hardly afford full maxed out BR5 line in reasonable time period (if ever).
And the dmg difference between the upgraded and non upgraded weapons is very similar to those 10 percent of body armor. (If not the same, I don’t remember atm).

So it strikes me as an absurd mindset, considering the Soviets just don’t clearly dominate in Enlisted. They are not a popular faction.

It’s just a nice gimmick for people who know the game a little better. But even if you have body armor on every soldier, it just won’t prevent you from losing.
Things like this are all over the game.

you misunderstand p2w. you can get vitality perk as f2p player so feature is not behind paywall. body armor is behind appearance orders/gold so it is basically paywalled.

to be fair i play soviets a lot and even have couple of soldiers with body armor(i could probably equip every soldier with body armor, but i just didnt bother). p2w mechanic is anything that gives advantage to paying player over free alternative and body armor is just that. it might not be applicable in all situations and in situations were it is applicable it wont really matter, but there are still situations where it will mean difference between life and death.

no they arent really. while weapon upgrades are expensive, they are still available to every player without need to pay real life money.

and while every thing separately isnt a big deal, when you get them all together it becomes significant advantage.
you suck at planes? buy premium slots and suicide plane cycle
buy rocket arty for better version of standard arty, alongside scoped rifles.
buy soviet body armors so you can survive longer, or make enemy expend more ammo on you.
buy paratroopers to strike enemy in rear or drop above them on cap and clear them.
buy stalingrad access for assault engineers. well kinda old, but it was still advantage for them that f2p players didnt have

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So it isn’t. It’s equally limited. Just the grind differs.
But especially for past 2 months with so many 6 days events that included ±45 orders in average, you can grind those orders really quickly.

So it’s really just question of perspective. Since whales can both get immediately, meanwhile the f2p player has to invest time.

Me too, because I have so many premium squads with unique outfit that I just prefor more.
And for Moscow campaigning, I really like those Soviet coats.

Same goes for customization. You either buy them immediately with irl money or you have to invest your time to get them.
I literally don’t see any difference, again.


How can someone who has not even contributed one dollar to the development of this game complain so much that people who support the development game can choose to get cosmetics that give a 10% damage reduction which does not even matter during actual gameplay in practice?

You cannot straight up buy clothing orders with real life money. Even if you did not spend the astronomical sum of $9 (one time) on the battle pass you would still get plenty of clothing orders from the free events, and you could choose to spend them on body armor order for the Soviets, but I do not think the people complaining even actually play Soviets.

Germany has better bolt actions, better SMGs, better machineguns, better assault rifles, better tanks, and better planes then the Soviets. Body armor will not prevent you from getting blown up by Tiger II HE rounds as they spam the points.

Games are not won on a spreadsheet, they are won in actual battle and in an actual battle (not in theory) the body armor has no real advantage. 10% damage reduction does not mean anything in a real life game, literally every other factor is more important for the winning of a game.

If you shoot a Soviet who has body armor with your weapon and they do not die, then you shoot them again and they will die. If you throw down your weapon and curl up into a ball when you see a Soviet with body armor then that is a personal problem with you not with the body armor.

Question: Since you speak about not spending any money on this game like its a point of pride for you, who do you think pays for the game’s continued development? Do you think “free to play” means free to develop?

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who cares about this
The only reason to buy them is just because that 10% sounds like it will give you peace of mind
Body armor only allows you to take one more low-power bullet instead of giving you armor that can deflect some bullets.
Unless you learned your marksmanship from Star Wars
Otherwise they won’t be much of a threat to you

Silver coins, like cosmetic cards, can also be purchased with gold coins or obtained in the game.
Would you also say silver coins are paid items?

Decoration cards can be obtained in large quantities during seasons and events.
I don’t think it can be called a paid item

Nothing makes a bigger joke than when free players refer to frequently given free items as paid items.

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event is not real access to appearance orders. out of weekly players, ~64% of the players play one or less than one battle per day. even those with 2-3 daily battles (~14%) wont earn majority of those event prizes. basically 80% of weekly players wont earn any appearance orders and that number is even higher if you take into account monthly players. all of those players are guaranteed to get upgraded weapons down the line, but not appearance orders.

you are missing one very vital thing, a soldier with 10 HP will die with 2 MP40 shots
a soldier with 13.5 HP still only dies with 2 MP40 shots

a soldier stacking vitality and the armor however now dies with 3 MP40 shots

body armor has more effective protection than you think.

This is also the reason why I have been complaining about Paratroopers in the past, they have the bonus vitality that also is just enough to make it stacked with vitality very strong on their own, even without the paradrop mechanic.

basically ALL SMGs deal just enough damage to kill in 2 shots, while most semi auto rifles just barely kill in one shot when shooting a target that has the regular vitality perk - if you add even a tiny bit of HP, then those guns get their effective damage reduced by 30 -50 %.

10% damage reduction on armor actually reduces semi auto damage by 50%

Level 3 A20?
He seems to have only 4 bombs left

Oh no, so they will not receive anything because they’re not willing to invest both time and money.

What a tragedy.

I don’t see how this argument has any weight. It just proves my point those body armor are very rare in actual matches.


Since they seldom play, doesn’t it make sense that they will receive fewer rewards?
Does it mean that players who spend 2 to 3 hours a day must receive the same rewards and progress as these low-frequency players?
Is this fair to them?

I encounter them quite frequently - not on regular players, but on full teams.

I dare to say, if I face a 4 man team, 90% of the time they are all using this armor.

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The MP40 can fire 8 to 9.5 bullets per second
How many milliseconds would you miss?

i spent money in the game. does that give me right to criticize p2w mechanics?

nah, you buy gold with real life money and then you can spend that gold on customization. btw battle pass also costs money.

totally non biassed person.

so if has absolute no effect in the game, then there is no problem with removing damage reduction?

idk if you talking to me or to someone else, but core mechanics of the game should never be p2w mechanics. this is death warrant for any game.

like i said it doesnt matter if it is rare or not, if you can play around it or not. anything behind paywall/limited grind event that cant be accessed by everyone at any time but still gives any kind of advantage should be removed from the game.

tell me advantage of MP40 over pps43? what actually negates that advantage?

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I do not care
Because it really makes no difference to me
Whoever’s reaction and network speed are faster can kill the other party
It’s that simple
If you can’t suppress them at close range with the MP40
Maybe you could try using other high speed submachine guns
I remember there were 2 other models with a fire rate of 700 to 900

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