Stalingrad (+3)

Great news! Thank to the Devs to listening to the community. Looking forward for the new update.


Yes, u are!

Do you actually believe that a few extra squad slots fully compensates you for everything that was taken away that you paid real money for?


LMAO: “WE WON.” Really? You get thrown a few crumbs and you’re ready to throw more money at a losing cause. It’ll happen again. Trust me.

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wonderful news. i’m happy you guys listened to the community and made a quick decision :+1:

This is not COMPENSATION! This is what we paid for to begin with, and then some. Everyone is acting like they’re doing us a favor. Have you forgotten that you paid real money for specific features that are being stripped away—and you’re NOT being compensated for that? Literally one day has gone by and you’ve already forgotten what’s going on. Unbelievable! We paid for this, and you’re all acting like this is some kind of Christmas present from Uncle Gus. They owe us this. It’s not a present!


What do you mean they, “listened to the community?” They had already made this decision PRIOR to yesterday’s announcement regarding the Stalingrad news. Everything else you paid for is being stripped away—WITHOUT COMPENSATION. Are you happy about that as well? I know I’m not.

One thing’s for sure: I’m not spending any more money on this game just so most of what I paid for can be taken away on a whim, and then I get a few crumbs back—if I’m lucky. No wonder developers conduct business like they do. You all let them get away with it.


Well we won for now, i never said i will give up demanding to get stuff i have already paid for, it’s just a small celebration that we can change and shape their bad practices.

But yeah agree that they are ignoring 4x xp, 4 star with every acquired purchase, discount at upgrading with bronze -75% and should convert them somehow or refund in gold.


Good, I’m glad you see that.

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Nobody here spoke as vehemently against their previous unethical and bad faith practices/business model as I did, last time.

Now, we at least get to keep something, instead of nothing at all.

I take this as a win for us. Asking for more, would be like Icarus.

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i mean, works for me.

as slots were kinda the somewhat top priority.

we did not got all back no. but it’s actually better than what was presented yesterday.

which, i don’t remember, but buying 3 slots alone were roughly 27 dollars.

so close enough.


you do you.

Very good news indeed, all my worries and anger disappeared. Please don’t make the same mistake again please thank you. I’ve informed my friends and they are pleased to

Seriously to ppl that defended Gaijin earlier and telling them its all fine, screw them

Please dont betray the playerbase anymore, we needed more new players ,not anything that reduce it.

Please continue to improve the game, you have my and many of my friends support. one of my friends whos a decent size youtuber is also interested in making content for enlisted in the future to come

With the introduction of new squads (Anti Air Vehicles) more slots would definitely be needed

As Anti Air Vehicles while nice, in game it sounds a very useless class. I hope it doesnt take another tanker slot.

maybe we need to increase max players to 12 from 10 to utilize more of it. else we will lack too much in infantry

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Asking for more? I’m not ASKING for anything. I’m DEMANDING that I get what I paid for. Otherwise, they will be losing me as a customer—not just for this game, but any game they have (or will) develop. Vote with your dollars—THEN things will really change!

BTW, most of my posts from yesterday have been removed from the forum since I spoke the truth—and my mind. So I may have been speaking more vehemently. Not trying to compete… Just sayin.

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Most of my post as well, and I even downright insulted them in some posts. Duck removed all of those.

But that’s not important.

What is, is you must learn when to settle. We don’t want them thinking we’d be permanently upset no matter what, because if so, they’ll just stop listening and giving back things entirely.

Take my advice: take this win, and carry on. It’s a good outcome of the… “negotiations” we had with them.

Slots is the most important in Stalingrad pass, its the reason why myself and my friends bought it, and all 3 of my friends has it. i even told them we will keep it since Devs told us we would keep it at earlier date

4x progression you can just grind it and be done, flamethrower tank is not useful and will just dies to AT/ Tank. Only good vs bots.

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A little suggestion, would you guys consider adding a lend lease and captured equipment pass so new players in the future will still have a chance to use tommy guns for the soviets, ppsh41’s for the germans and what not? Including adding more guns to it?
As for the free players I feel like they should keep the tommy guns they transferred from Tunisia, i’d say they more than earned it by grinding both campaigns and helping out with testing the Stalingrad changes even without the x4 exp booster.

Pretty much this.

Since we can argue about feasibility of integrating xp boost and other economic benefits in the new system, but slots are DEFINITELY something that CAN be easily carried over.


3 Slot worth nearly 3k of gold. It is almost equivalent to the value of the access pack.
Please remember that you cannot use the item value in Stalingrad full access to apply in other campaign. It is because Stalingrad full access is like a super discounted bundle. Will you request full price refund if you bought thing in a discounted rate? You will only receive the money that you pay(discounted price).
If they give you more compensation, it will be unfair to the people who pay way higher price to buy similar thing in other campaign.

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