Stalingrad (+3)


It’s well enough all things considered. I was certain we’d lose them and gave up on them. Nice outcome to all of this.


Technically if we look at the costs, we earn more than 30 usd in slots

490+990+1490, pretty much (I’m still not sure how dev will select the trim for compensation.)
But still, trying to get as much as possible from it is worth fighting for.
They did 1 or 2 weeks of XP booster to Tunis. So why not this time? Or at least squad XP booster. I dont need more orders. Just, its impossible to fully grind all squads in Stalingrad to pre max tier.

Let’s look at each of the statements you made individually:

  1. “3 Slot worth nearly 3k of gold. It is almost equivalent to the value of the access pack.”

Response: First of all, none of these items are worth anything. They are arbitrary prices set for digital items in a video game. And don’t forget, the prices being charged for everything in this game are outrageous. Way overpriced!

And there is no “equivalent” to the value of the access pack. Gaijin offered something at a particular price, and I bought it. If they choose to charge more money for other items, it has nothing to do with anything if something needed to be refunded or compensated in the future. You’re compensated based on what you paid, not the price of other items in the store.

  1. “Please remember that you cannot use the item value in Stalingrad full access to apply in other campaign.”

Response: Why not? I paid for specific features (benefits) that came with the full access bundle WITH REAL MONEY that was supposed to last “FOREVER”—their words not mine; now, all of those benefits are being taken away—with the exception of the slots. I need to be compensated for that. Period. If I buy a $30,000 car, and the dealer decides to take back the car at their discretion (eccept the wheels), now all I have are four wheels that are NOT worth $30,000—I only paid $30,000 for them due to corrupt business practices. The wheels are now useless—just like the benefits I paid for with the full access bundle.

Next, multiple people have stated that since the Stalingrad campaign will no longer exist, then the benefits from the Stalingrad access can’t be used. Nonsense! Have you thought about this? What’s going to happen to all of the squads that are currently in Stalingrad? Answer: They’re going to be integrated into the new system. Thus, if the squads can be integrated, so can the benefits of the full access bundle that apply to those squads. The game is not ending; it is simply being re-organized. It’s no different than if they decided not to provide additional slots under the new organization—That, I must remind you, everybody paid for. When something is taken away that you’ve paid for and not replaced or refunded, what do you call this? I can’t call it anything because my post will be removed.

  1. “It is because Stalingrad full access is like a super discounted bundle. Will you request full price refund if you bought thing in a discounted rate? You will only receive the money that you pay(discounted price).”

Response: I don’t know what you mean by this. I’m not asking for any more than what I’ve paid for. If I paid $20,000 for a $30,000 car and required a refund, I would ask for the $20,000. The fact that it was on sale is irrelevant. If somebody decides to sell something at a “super discounted” price, that’s their decision, not mine. My decision is to buy it or not.

  1. “If they give you more compensation, it will be unfair to the people who pay way higher price to buy similar thing in other campaign.”

Response: Again, I’m not asking for more! Furthermore, if other people choose to pay more money than I do for the same item—it has absolutely nothing to do with me. If people can’t wait for a sale (and I do), it is neither fair nor unfair to anyone. Most people in this world have no idea how to properly manage money. That’s a fact! And again, it has absolutely nothing to do with me. If they’re willing to pay more for an item than I am, that’s their choice! I shouldn’t be held responsible in the future for their decisions if I need to be compensated for the same item that I paid less for.

Furthermore, the people you speak of who have paid more money for other things in the game had the exact same opportunity that I had to purchase the Stalingrad full access bundle. If they chose not to, then again, it has absolutely nothing to do with this situation. I paid for something, they did not. I want to be compensated for the thing I paid for. Period. They didn’t pay for anything regarding the Stalingrad full access bundle. Thus, they require no compensation. End of story!

These are the facts!

I wouldn’t trust the word forever in any video game to be honest.

But like… the only thing that was worth $30 in the pack was the xp boost. And that would eventually outlive its usefulness, when they would have stopped adding levels at about level 40. After that, there’s not much to gain out of the boost anyway. The pre-max soldiers was ok I guess, but you can get bronze orders so easily that it doesn’t make much of a difference. The flame tanks are fun, but they’re terrible in terms of gameplay.

No… all we’re losing is the xp boost, equipment discount, and pre max soldiers. Everything we’ve already unlocked and bought is just being transferred to the new inventory.

But how exactly? Stalingrad used an experimental progression that flopped terribly after release and was not used again. So they wouldn’t carry it over it the new system, and if they did, they’d have to have an option for US, Britain, Italy, and Japan players to have those same bonuses.

Maybe, but probably not. The helpers confirmed there will be less squads overall, but most importantly, you’ll keep everything you’ve owned. So if you’ve maxed out Stalingrad, you cannot say you didn’t get anything out of it.

Isn’t six squad slots the gold equivalent of $30?

So just to be clear: let’s say I bought Stalingrad pack on release and then went travelling for a year/got drafted to the army for a year, etc. - now I come back and everything is gone, you just took my money, other than “here take some slots bro”?

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Stalingrad was giving the player +4 slots for German and + 4 slots for the Red Army.

So - +4 slots divided by 5 German armies (Moscow, Normandy, Berlin, Tunisia and Stalingrad) = on average one additional slot for the Germans.

+4 slots divided by the 3 Soviet armies (Moscow, Berlin and Stalingrad) - on average +1 slot for the Red Army.

But you will get +3 additional slots (more than you paid for). Why are you so dumb / greedy ?

Better a blue eye than a broken arm I guess.

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This is what happens if you talk about a Italian independent tech tree.

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figured as much.

bet it never would have happened if we started talking regarding halftracks :confused:

#Quit the hate

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Oh geese. Reading some of the backlash is painful…especially after extra slots were chucked in.

As a stalingrad buyer, I get everything that was of worth. XP boost was temporary as once you maxed out it became moot. Ofcourse you cant take it with you to benefit in other areas of the game.

Remember you can only use Stalingrad access pack slot in that campaign. In the future you can use it in 2 faction(Soviet and German) so it can be use equivalent to in multiple campaign that the faction involve. This is already better than the original slot in the access pack.


I gifted another one of my friend Stalingrad pass + 1 year premium thanks to Devs

Dont know why but it wont show you bought pass for friends in Purchase History