There is an issue that has occurred for a very long time where many players don’t mark enemies for their teammates, with the primary reason being that they don’t get points from it. (This was determined by asking a vast amount of players why they don’t mark, both on the forums and in game.)
They would rather let the enemy pass and try to collect the points themselves, leading to an absolute breakdown of teamwork.
We’ve all seen plenty of times where pilots will spam “Need enemy Coordinates!”. Ideally this should be a rare occurrence, as people SHOULD be marking.
The question then becomes "How do you separate the random pings from those that need the attention of teammates?
How do you incentivize players to mark targets in a balanced way.
Specifically through the usage of Binoculars, make a unique type of indicator. A “Spotter Ping”.
Enemies killed within a 10m radius will give an assist to the player that placed the spotter mark.
Additionally, direct marks on tanks, weapon emplacements, rally points, ammo boxes, etc will give a little extra score beyond the standard assist points.
The binoculars are a piece of gear that every single character is able to acquire, and very cheap as well, in addition to there being NO other options for that slot. Therefore everyone should have access to it.
This will help to differentiate between locations that players are asking to focus their teams attention in comparison to where they may be marking something else.
It will also greatly help as a support method that benefits not only the person getting the kills, but the person actually marking targets accurately, giving assists as they should.
The argument has been made in the past “why not just add that to the standard pings”. The reasons are pretty simple. It is too EASY to spam the marks everywhere, leading to more spam and confusion. With the requirement of the binoculars aspect, it becomes a lot more likely that the marks will be deliberate and not just spammed.
Yup. Imagine the spotter would receive like 150 points worth of assists for its destruction. Players would be marking it for sure at that point!!!
Then its just a matter of a teammate eliminating it.
Honestly the player eliminating it could get more points too potentially.
This is significantly better than adding the function to the standard pings, I agree.
These pings will also turn out to be more reliable, which helps mortar and bomber players a ton. Ever since I’ve started using only MGs against infantry, I’ve noticed the difference between sighting your own targets and just spraying at a random ping that is probably aimed at your own team for BM.
But here, since people actively need to stop firing to farm these marker exp, they’ll mark more accurately. I approve of the idea
The higher the value the target is, the higher the amount of points you should get from the assist.
OTHERWISE, you have players pushing for QUANTITY over QUALITY.
How does this translate?
Its the difference between people marking the target that is tearing everyone apart, or people marking infantry running across the field that are likely to get gunned down with ease anyways. SO, if the assist points are only 25xp like you were saying, Most people would still just focus on infantry because overall it will generate more points for them.
That is why I set the mark high.
Also consider that my estimate was for a Tiger tank with like 6 soldiers.
Assists on each soldier would be 15 points.
So in the case of a Tiger, that is 90 points accounted for from the soldiers, and 60 points for the tank itself.
Personally, I’m not opposed to even perhaps increasing it further given just how frequently aircraft need a target mark.
Definitely not a good idea to set it as low as 25 though. That’s not even equivalent of 2 assists.
As optimistic as this sounds… Wouldn’t this just mean people would be incentivized to hang back and not engage the enemy as much the same way a sniper roleplayer would?
Well, considering how ineffective they are as snipers, perhaps they’ll take up to using the binos instead and help their team be better aware of the same targets they would otherwise fail to hit with the sniper in hand.
Might not be the perfect solution to THAT specific problem, but then again, its not meant to be.
Instead, it is meant to be used to make ALL players more effective by incentivizing a teamwork mechanic that doesn’t even require someone to be in the same party as you.
I would be willing to bet that it would make a significant difference for its intended reason, and even likely help on your concern more than you think.
i feel like there are no concrete benefits either.
i think the bino should instead, allow to your AI to fire in syncro towards a general direction with mortars.
or, being able to call more precisely and accurately artillery through binos.
although, they could have an auto spotting feature of tanks opposed to being forced to press the v button which most of the time struggles to accurately mark at over distant ranges tanks or vehicles in general.
perhaps add it to planes too? so to let other pilots and players know ahead of time if that plane that is gray being ally or enemy.
I think these are things that need to be changed about the core of how these things work, but not as an ALTERNATIVE to the spotter ping suggestion.
The reason I have that issue with it is that the spotter ping system is designed to push teamwork. Whereas what you are suggesting only benefits the single player.
Honestly, I’m definitely against an AUTO-spotting feature. As it would make it too easy for players to just do a sweep from side to side and it would automatically mark. That is a problem as it just creates what is essentially radar.
Marking targets needs to be a manual endeavor in order to preserve game balance.
The only thing in this regard would be the distance in which you can see the marker, and you would still need to manually ping it. Again, no Automatic function.
This makes a ton of sense, we should have a better use for binoculars. As someone who plays a lot and fully equips their teams I don’t even bother with binoculars but if something like this was implemented I would.