With how price inflation happened with the Merge most of necessary equipment price gone up nearly 10x times, So 5 silver per 47 xp is not good. pre Merge players with million silver in savings not feel it but we are not the only players. Some new players left the game for bad economy. Enlisted economy seem a full uno reverse of WTs here you get less currency but more XP.
Below match result as example
Just 3.3k silver is not enough of satisfaction for score like this. It’s very underwhelming. Cut it to half if you are free player.
Point being is to encourage support play alongside normal assault type gameplay. As it should help pad out your score and therefore your silver wallet as you go.
What is your problem? I’m not trying to hijack the thread. It has a direct correlation to what I was saying in regards to the topic at hand.
Silver is basically generated through score and xp gain is it not?
Support gameplay can be ran in tandem with normal gameplay and help both the player doing it and their teammates. Yet as of right now, the reward for this is rather low, resulting in few players actually doing it.
By increasing the reward for support gameplay, you help both other players, and increase your own silver payout.
I linked in the other suggestion because it ties in with support gameplay and could also be a fantastic source of extra silver, should it be implemented.
I have no problem related to the topic at hand. I had not considered that silver is tied to XP.
You are a serial opportunist on the forum so it should not be shocking to not get the benefit of the doubt.
It seems to me I could create a thread about almost anything and you might jump in and link to one of your threads suggesting that all soldiers should be required to carry toothbrushes or they can’t sprint.
The rewards are very small. Sometimes we are talking ~20 matches to afford 1 upgrade level on a tank or something. But the worst part, and the real problem…
We are FORCED to buy each upgrade in the tree to unlock the next one. This consumed all my silver extremely fast. Some of them are like 15k. Please don’t make us buy everything in the tree, very annoying silver sink.
I only link things when I think they could relate, benefit from each other, or if one of my suggestions directly resolves an issue that someone brings up.
Ultimately, I’m linking posts in LESS that 1% of other suggestions. So no,
This is simply not the case.
Additionally, Its easier to simply link the post rather than type the whole thing out again. I make my topic titles very “to the point” so if I do link them to others, reading the title is enough indicator for them to decide to read it or not.