Special slot for premium squads

Thanks for this. Nice to be reassured its coming


really a great start.

let’s hope for a squad event dedicated slot too!

but one step at a time, shall we?


A good day to buy a Premium Squad.
If they add Event Squad Slot that would be so great.
More Squads = more Possibilitys = more fun = more time inGame = more Muneh for Devs


… Or would it, now… :thinking:

Ahah, joke. Even I am not that crazy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Why not have two event slots as well; I like to use APC and event paras. The use case exists.

Brings the gap a bit closer for f2p with event squads and premiums.


No money but still want more slots?
Operations doesn’t like this idea

Poeple did ask for more squad slots in the past and a seperate event squad slot would be logical.
Anyone can unlock them as long as they regularly play the game which makes events more worthwhile for both veterans who already own everything and players who just joined the game.


it would be nice if secondary vehicles (motorcycles, armored personnel carriers, trucks, anti-aircraft guns) were given their own slot


Why not add more meta squad slots for the 3 squads you want to cycle and the rest 11 squads are the “fun” you don’t even use, you sweat :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

2 premium Slots AND 2 Event slots we shall have!

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The Vehicles should be separated more than what is, as is now we have Tanks, Attacker Planes and Figther Planes.
They should atleast split Tanks into, Tanks and Armored Cars aswell as SPGs.
We need more rock, paper, scissors stategic play during matches.
For example It would be nice to be able to spawn a StuG III SPG, when enemy team has a KV-1 Heavy dominating a cap, and your team keeps spawning Pz.II for some reason

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One premium slots?
We should give as many premium slots as there are premium squads.
Directly separate the slots of normal squads and premium squads without interfering with each other.

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I think that an event squad slot is a good idea. I would not have a problem with it being simply added but I feel it could also be a value add for DF/Gaijin. Maybe on an event (with comparative financial value to unlocking a 7th squad… e.g. a nice reinforcements received event like paratroopers and APC’s were), you could have the choice of unlocking the squad(s) OR the slot. Or the option of paying to do both. Either way, you have that slot open in the future if you have squads to fill it.

I’ll reiterate that free is great but I realize that monetization is important.

Already suggested


Love this!

Understood. I added my context as someone who manages a business/product/engineering team for a publicly traded company. Take it or leave it.

Lol it won’t solve this problem. The true nature of your problem is your teammates have low br. Your team will spawn 75/32 M41 instead of Pz II so you still can’t spawn your Stug III and they still can’t kill that KV-1.

not so much a middle finger to the free players as a reward to the paid players, still sucks if you ask me

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I have been campaigning for the longest time for full vehicles selection during the match.

The same vehicles selection that is available in hangar should be available ingame.

Because we can’t choose out maps or game modes, we can’t know which vehicles to take to battle, and this leads to certain flexible vehicles being the meta and niche vehicle like SPAA, tank destroyer or SPAs never used.

For example, right now it doesn’t make sense to take Stug/Jagdpanzer IV because you might end up in close quarters urban map where those are useless.

But if we could choose from all the vehicles we have unlocked inside a match, we’d see less meta vehicles (T-34, KV-1, Pz IV J and Sherman) and maybe sometimes more variety like Gaz AAA or M10 tank destroyer.

This literally does no harm because currently everyone takes meta flexible tanks to battles anyway.


Same problem with paratroopers and planes. I wont use my paras because if i end up in defense they are pretty useless. I have only 4 slots and i dont want to waste them. Planes that dont carry loadout are very unpopular because they are not as flexible as planes with bombs