Special slot for premium squads

So I could’ve sworn I already replied to this, but I’m not seeing that reply anywhere
So, long paragraph short, you brought up 2 out of many squads that are “better” than their TT. Both are German no less, so they have 2 less reasons to complain. Most of us don’t use our Preemies for a reason. They’re just cool, niche guns that are about on par with TT guns, and the squads themselves tend to be par or subpar of regular squads

This is likely not going to be much of an issue at all

Should also include events.


Still it’s BS that premium squads differ so dramatically from f2p ones. There is 0 reason for this.

No, event squad should have seperated bonus slots. They shouldn’t share the same one.


Well. I think that would be over the top.

Personally I’ve always treated Premiums and Event squads the same as regular squads, they’re just “cards” to choose from to build my deck. I like just having 4 slots because I have to choose what roles I want to play in the battle. If I had all the full slots I’d probably be bored because I’d have every single squad covered. No choice or strategy. At best if I ever bought one it would just be to have both a tank and plane at the same time.

Now I am saying will I still be able to play the way I do now, ie I can still treat Premiums the same as regular squad slots (if and when I choose to have them in my lineup), or will Premiums be permanently regulated to the new slot.

The only differences are:
They start fully leveled, which all squads can become
They all have the same gun, exclusive to Preemies but are more often than not just side-grades of TT, but are niche guns we otherwise wouldn’t have
Their Engies can build everything, which all Engie Squads can do
And their rewards are busted, which is the second main appeal of buying them in the first place. Right after “hey cool gun”

Everyone who has a Preemie Squad can utilize this. Plus, Preemie Squads are much more lucrative than Preemie Time. I know I have several Preemies I don’t use because they just aren’t good enough to justify replacing one of my current squads. Having that slot there exclusively for a Preemie for free gives all of the incentive to use one. Whether it’s the Sovie Lewis Gun Squad, the Colt Monitor Squad, or whatever squad I may want to use. Plus, I may not even really spawn them all that often unless I just kinda want to. It’ll be like the M22 Locust that sits in my lineup 24/7. It’s there. I can use it at any time. Almost never do though

Preemies are not inherently better than regular 6 man squads. They have pros and cons just like everything else. Mainly being 4 man squads…

well technically 5 since most new squad have engy now

Oh are they all 5’s now? Well still less than the average

Is this + 1 for every premium squad or just one if you have premium squads?

i would guess it free for everyone but that too good to be true i think

can only hope it arrive in the next major update for now.

So basically they are completely different as they break all the “rules” (if we can use this word).

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It’s just +1 slot
+1 slot for every premium would clearly be too much


We’re increasing the maximum number of squads you can take into battle by adding one extra slot - exclusive to Premium Squads.

For one moment i thought they would add another infantry slot to free user lol :rofl:


It’s time to buy a new plane

I would rather have +1 premium slot and +1 event slot. 12 Total max slots. It would make happy both paying and f2p players.


I have 9 slots since last slot is so expensive that it was not worth it, so 10th premium slot will be useful especially since APC/UC always takes one slot and i have 2-3 more vehicles so in reality i only had 5-6 infantry slots left.

There is only 2 things exclusive to them. Rewards and all units using the same gun. That’s it

very nice!
But it should be 2 Premium slots,
We have sooo many Premiums, 1 is bit on the low, and adding 2 makes it more fun to mix and match combos, rather than just 1 Squad, aswell we have both Infantry and vehicles Premiums.
2 Premium Slots it is!

And maybeee 1 Event Squad slots aswell, we have few of those too, there’s not too many of those, so 1 slot enough, but still should not count as the premium one since premium have extra bonus, and yet still not normal, because for same reason you add premium slot, they are weaker squads but interesting and fun, but without premium bonus…

So it will be 2 Premium Slots, 1 Event slot, it’s decided then, thank you very much!


Great news. 1 premium & 1 event slot would be the best and most fun solution.

I gotta say, the f2p players cry a bit too much about this.