Special slot for premium squads

Yes, check the pic they have posted.


i see tommy like the post glad to know he is still here in some form

Well, that’s the benefit of paying some money. But there are still MG Men who can use LMG’s, and the Engies in an upgraded Engie Squad can build those things. It’s not that F2P doesn’t have any of these things, it’s just you get to have them all in one special package
Not necessarily P2W, but it is a nice little boon for paying up and helping the devs keep the lights on


Ppreciate it dude

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Are you serious? Compared with free users, 5 vs 4 slots is a huge advantage. It allows your troops to deal with more situations. If you purchase a vehicle squad, the effect is even more significant.

With the addition of premium accout, players have unlocked the ability of “suicide aircraft cycle”, which can easily wipe out any enemy tanks that appear.


Yeah, but MG42 early and MG45 are clearly superior (stat wise) to any German MG up to BR4.
So it is pay2win.

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It can be superior stat wise all it wants. The man holding the gun dies all the same
Besides, preemie squads are rare enough. Shouldn’t be that much of an issue. If it becomes that much of an issue, I’ll eat my words

wouldnt exactly say wasting more ammo is good i mean that my personal opinion (as a mg45 user) altho yea it is way more accurate than tech tree mg that i agree

Oh dang. Please let it be only Infantry Squads

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Woo three tank squads to spam!

Not me though, I’d rather bring more AT to get easy points.

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What are you even talking about? Majority of owners of premium squad already has 10 slots.
Difference between 11 and 10 really isn’t somewhat significant.

You are kinda late to the party if you think this is the problem.
10 vs 4 different already exists for years.


You can still buy slots with 400g
My point is, extra slots can definitely bring advantages in combat

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i would bring tank tbh so i can have aircraft or vice versa since sometime the team dont have aircraft at all

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Yeah, it has its advantages. Nothing that’ll make the game P2W though. Just an addition that’ll be appreciated by all of us who spent money on Preemie Squads but decided against actually using them for one reason or another

I, for one, am really excited about it and will be deciding which squads I’ll be using in each faction once I get home

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Well that’s extremely disappointing, I thought event squads counted as premium squads internally.

No they have always been separate entities

That is an entirely different situation and you know it

As far as I know, both enlisted and warthunder have many players who only purchase a single premium squad or bundle to help them progress in a specific faction.

I have nothing against premium slots, but the whole point of this thing is to attract more players to buy their first premium squad, so it makes absolutely no sense that it doesn’t bring advantages.

It depends on our acceptance of P2W. For example, you can buy an advanced vehicle so that you don’t have to choose between carrying an aircraft or a tank, and the “suicide aircraft cycle” I just mentioned, which almost guarantees defenders victory.

I can’t imagine how painful losing the +2 slot of premium acc will be to the combat experience.

No, it’s the same situation but amplified

hello it’s a good idea but I notice that for several days there is a problem with the fact that my game is no longer in French but fully in English will it be possible to do something thank you in advance