Special slot for premium squads

I use Soviet paratroopers - they are good in defence, as they can replace a squad of assaulters.

But they cant carry extra ammo and they will need to drop if they want engineer

Can you make SPAA separate from tanks and APC/UC? They are completely unused now since the merge. Who wants to spawn in Flakpanzer I (or GAZ) if you could use Pz3N, Sd.Kfz.234/2 or 75/32 M41 or especially APC/UC to create mobile spawn point that let us to storm the point and also have AT gunner so we could destroy tanks at any time.

We should also get a few new SPAAs in higher BR tiers since 20/25mm is not enough against more durable planes.


Add a slot for event squads too then? Lots of them are goofy but it would help new players

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Already suggested before earlier in the thread


best thing would be to be able to choose what Line-up we want to spawn with at match start, so we can have different setups for different maps, modes etc.
It makes more sense.
As of now like you say, you have to go middle ground, jack of all trades, because you have no clue what map or mode will be.
It would be much better to be able to choose from our different loadouts, and then you can mix and match em for different scenarios


Tech tree Paratroopers when?


I think you want this to go through to fix that problem

Defense and attacker loadout - Suggestions - Enlisted


i bet that what they gonna say

I hope never :face_exhaling:

That is not how “p2w” works. It is not P2W if paying money means you LITERALLY cant lose, p2w means paying extra gives you an unfair advantage. Which at this point, Enlisted has plenty of.

For example 100 round Thompson squad or every single APC - they are all better than tech tree

Oh no how dare DF give us options for cool and interesting alternatives that we have to pay for

Still not P2W

The game wouldn’t exist without players who open their wallet. Darkflow is not a charity with employees who work for free.

Lose the victim complex.


You could say its a middle finger to the developers not wanting to pay a cent for their work…

I got alot of leisure time out of this game. happy to splurge on some nice little things (here and there). And also happy to recieve little perks like this :slight_smile:


You aren’t wrong, 100 round thompson is the best US SMG at the moment and premium APCs have better protection, some offensive arment and better squad.

But there are also squads like Király43M which is very similar to the already overlooked Király39M but in a 5 men assaulter squad.
I really love that squad, but since merge I couldn’t find opportunities to deploy them because progression squads are just stronger in every way.
I also have the “p2w” Italian flamer squad from Tunisia which I haven’t even touched since merge.
Its not even like WT in which premiums get downtiered.
I just want to enjoy my premiums without being a liability.

Play lonefighters or custom games. There you can test your squads

Will it come in the next update?