"Soviets suffer?" A study of changing trends by Joe

The German players suspiciously disappeared on the very day when I received 3 boosters at 300%…
It was very interesting just to walk for 5 minutes in each battle and look for the enemy like gold.

Weapons are not important in this game. Only the right game is important here. And the team in which the number of correctly playing players is higher wins. Even if it’s a bolts with the T-26 against the Tiger 2 and STG 44. That’s why squads so OP.


I played 7 battles today as Germany
And i only had 1 win so far.


No they shouldn’t go to steam, till fixed in all aspects.
They had 2.4 player base, once, why would any from steam want to play this, when they know 1.9 mill already leave game?, and how new player friendly this game is.
And forbid they do any reading, or on which videos they watch,

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Well then maybe they should get their stuff together because they cannot stay in the beta forever

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I have led Soviet mains into team stacking beyond all measures of comprehension. All our beginners will be able to average 3.6k points with a victory multiplier and will not even have to use anything above Tier II.

Perfectly balanced, and Darkflow designed it to be.

Stay in Tier V and you are safe :slight_smile:

Tier V


I’ve created a doom tier V preset team for axis… And used it once to test, since war thunder update. Only once.

Haven’t even trier tier V with other 3 factions. Im not a fan of high end weapons, I just really enjoy more simple stuff. Granted I have a Japanese tier IV, but I stopped playing Japan because everyone stacks it nowadays. It’s boring. Most matches I larped as kamikaze Katanas wielding soldiers only because I didn’t take it seriously.

These days, I play Soviets. And in Br 3-, Soviets win really often. (But then again, trends…)


This is Tier 5

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Never play American unless you can cycle three planes. Their guns are not possible to aim due to their sight, and you will lose almost every time.

Russians are still dominated by Axis, but not as much. All you have to do is parachute on top of buildings, and no one can get you since that gets you killed instantly from the front.

Now I can speed through Jap research progression :smiley:

Incredibly based sir.

What is your loadout?

STG44’s, FG42’s, 4x Cönders , Tiger 2H, Ju188 and a FW A8.

Just proves my post.

Mains kept whining about KT(H). I kept saying a single tank doesn’t make an entire faction, and especially not dictate where the population will go.

KT(H) is fine, and is2 44 is fine as well. (USA needs Pershs ofc.)

DF needs to implement bonus incentives for less played factions, or less populated matches, or matches having to fight against players in squads, etc.

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I think i would say, that missing Germans, may be explained,
What if like me, those whom had German campaigns, i only had 2x but with 5 campaign, and the tech tree way it is,
is it possible, a lot don’t want to be going back, and having to research 3x missing stuff from campaigns they never played, but where high tier, in the campaigns they played?

Just wrong to make us, have to research 3x campaign stuff, because i didn’t play it in first place, is no point, playing Germans for me now, anything i unlock, will have to go back to front of game, and research all the BS.

Of course, win rate is a function of player distribution more than anything else in this game - because matchmaking is not made with humans in mind. Equipment strength only affects it tangentially.

At the same time, perfect 50/50 win rate is not the goal. I’d even go as far as saying that win rate is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter how often you win when everyone hates every second of it. What’s important is good gameplay, which suffers from both player distribution and equipment balance (and many other things that are still abysmal in this game as well).

It’s not the King Tigor itself that’s the problem, it’s a tip of an iceberg. Problem is Germany so far has been horrendously stacked, outside of random and RARE matches where they get ultra stomped by fully competent team, leaving allies full of inexperienced players with bad gear.
Whenever I play BR5 US it feels that if i’m not the one killing all the armor, no one else ever will. I regularly end up with 10+ player vehicle kills (not the AI filler) and sometimes that’s still not enough. They can just keep spawning more KTs and parking them in the open like absolute morons and wiping everyone off the cap zones
KT’s are a problem because even the biggest idiot can completely dominate the match with one and short of donking it over the top with a 500 pounder or landing a PERFECT hvar shot it’s literally invulnerable to anything else. And seemingly lots of people are just blind and barely able to fly.
It seems like allies are increasingly loosing experienced players as of late, because no one wants to deal with uphill games over and over and over, especially if you know curbstombing newbs is one button click away

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If the tanks are what worries you the most, fear not!

My beloved Pershings are coming next big update.

Both. The regular iconic one, and the sexy steroids super one! Enough to make tank battles at tier5 entertaining.

I litterly just made a post thats reversed of what you said - I am ready to quit as German (Tier 5)

SoonTM because there is another Sherman variant we need.