I am ready to quit as German (Tier 5)

After the merge, I have been focusing on all the ‘in-between’ research, firstly to get my Tiger2H, and playing as Germany has been intense, especially against Russians (did someone say laser weapons?).

I have been playing the US for a few days, and it’s such a relief. I have realized that I would rather face the German weapons as the USA than the Russian weapons as Germany, it’s often really sweaty against Russians.

And another bonus as the USA, you don’t have to defend 8 out of 10 games - That’s really tiresome as Germany, defend, defend, defend, and when you finally get an attack, it’s Destruction and it really sucks when you have daily missions to capture points.

I have often heard complaints that Germans are too strong, and I’m baffled after having this experience myself. If anything, I think the USA might need a buff on handheld weapons (considering the Pershing tank is on its way).


As i stated somewhere in forum, they ruined playing Germany for me, when i could end up in Moscow.

and i never played these maps, and the fact out of 5 German campaigns,
i had only 2x researched, with the tree way it is,
i have to unlock 3x campaigns of old stuff, i never researched, to be able to further what i had researched up to.
Reduced to playing USA/Japan now, gg


That’s because popularity has changed sonce Soviets get pretty decent at BR5.

Now it si definitely not so easy to play German as it was before.
Literally everyone is taking advantage of the fact Germans are no free win anymore.


Speak for yourself i am constantly getting enemy team (axis) full of sweatlords, no life playrs and my team full of new players/console. Did i mention that they are terrible.


I don’t know why but each time ppl complain about player balance switching, I have exactly the opposite experience.
For example I had a really nice match today (Ge vs SU). It wasn’t demanding but it wasn’t a steamroll either.


That’s definitely not how BR5 looks now.

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Im pretty sure i say “I” all the way in my post.

It’s always hilarious seeing German players going “uhG gERmAnY sUfFErS” as if they haven’t been stomping on Allied and Soviet players for the past two or three weeks after the merge.


really depends on time of day/zone when you playing :smile:


It’s as if you only understood 50% of what i wrote, its so much easyer for me to play as USA vs Germany than it is to play Germany vs Russia. (also, i think your shift key is broken).


Many Enlisted players will need to be trained by him. At least they will be able to stop whining. :stuck_out_tongue:


Everyone one in this forum has a whine, even the pros

Just read the forum, backwards for 3y

As i said, looks like you didnt read my full post (or understood it), as stated in the OP i just recently reseached that tank (after the merge) so im not exactly sure what your personal hate rant against me is about?? are you ok??

Also, (obiously) i have been playing as USA too since i have them as Tier 5 and do enjoy playing with them very much (seems you missed this part too).

Anyway, im not going into a fight with you.

Enjoy your 2024 :partying_face: :tada:

My anger isn’t directed towards you in specific and it’s sad that you cannot see that, I literally just said seeing German players complain as if they haven’t been stomping these past couple weeks was hilarious. It’s not that deep bro.

I think you will find those that you consider complaining, as a rule, are always the German Main players, not those who play both sides

What are you even trying to say here?

What i am saying is
that German players, the ones that just play Germany, are the ones whom most often complain,
those that play both sides, don’t have same issues as just Main faction players

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time of day and BR / country you play is a factor. Assume BR5 of any variety is going to be where the most challenging players are simply because they invested significant amount of time to get there much as yourself. I strongly recommend joining a discord and playing with others, it will make the game more enjoyable in those more challenging BR5 matches. This is just advice to help manage your expectations, but this game is a masterpiece that continues to get improvements by the devs.


I really can not tell, if you being sarcastic, or you believe this :stuck_out_tongue:

pretty sure it sarcasm