I am ready to quit as German (Tier 5)

It’s turning back to before the merge. Unless there is some kind of reward or boosters to play on the losing side people will just run to the winning side or straight up leave the match.

yea i legit only play russian only because i want to speed run the 10 battle quest other than that i would never touch it quite sad ngl


br 4 japan is also a good way for doing events solo


2 year germany fully loaded army ,all I get is shitty unbalanced russia maps. All I see is fucking white snow which is great for your eyes. Havent seen normandy in days. The fun is over. This game is dead as a doornail.

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yea i finish my 10 vehicle quest from there

Aham, you only play Berlin has a Soviet and this are your teammates (i went afk after two or three bomb runs).

Nice try bro, but there is a solid German Axis playerbase, despite your one bad game.

the only issue i have is the vehicles and rallies because every mother fucker there is near marshal status :joy:


yea i thought the russian might have got some break but turn our german are now split into 50/50 so russian remain the same while the US are winning at least around 70% from my experience

:eyes: Go play as tier V Americans and then ss the match. I will do the same.

I have played them whole evening today. I won all of them. But I instantly quitted some defenses on maps I do not like + some conquests.
You can easily check my replays.

Btw. And I’ve completed all the event tasks.


Well dang, maybe you’re right


Im not talking about a single game, i started playing again after a long break the december 4th, and what i descripe is what i experienced over a full month (tomorrow).

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yea US have been winning a lot recently and that is good since i can farm for the johnson

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MG or rifle?

Yes, it looks like it is a US thing, Soviets are not invited.

I like this guy,
Beside my reasons for not wanting to research 3x campaign stuff as Germany, before i can buy what i was up too, research wise.
Its the maps, 1st, idk them, 2nd the white maps, are killer for my poor old well used eyeballs, sends you blind, promise :stuck_out_tongue:

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Both since I didn’t get the m1 Johnson in time

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I was only Tier 4, no offence but this was easy mode


That the luckiest Russian match I have ever seen having only 2 gold rank my Russian match always have 5 gold rank minimum

I’m so sorry, bro; good luck on the grind.

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