So anyways, here are some insights about balance and an older post:

The OG:

In essence, if one were to group the above’s proposed tier 1 & 2 into a tier 1 bracket, likewise with 3 & 4 into tier 2 and so on, a very simple place to start for match making will be produced where +1/-1 tier games can easily be made and will also be easier for new players to comprehend. Now, if you want to allow for players to choose what campaign maps they want, you could add that to. Later on, these tiers can be spread out, but for now, I implore the developers to try a test server with this basic idea in mind.

Thanks for reading.

My older topic if you care to read:

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Ayy, +1 to suggestions team.

What’t the point of only 2 tiers, if they are +1/-1

That would be just one tier with extra steps

So tiers of mm would be 1,2,3,4,5…
Tier 1 would see 1 and 2, tier 2 would see 1,2, and 3… AND SO ON.

Whereas tier of gear could be split up further for more MM tiers…